Search found 9 matches

by gunslinger124
Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:29 pm
Forum: BB, Airsoft, and Pellet Guns
Topic: What are the advantages of using a co2 tank over an air tank
Replies: 5
Views: 2243

yes, i am trying to make a big bore auto airgun for survival purposes or something like that. I would prefer air powered because I could just cast my own bullets and fill it up with an air tank myself.
by gunslinger124
Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:31 pm
Forum: BB, Airsoft, and Pellet Guns
Topic: What are the advantages of using a co2 tank over an air tank
Replies: 5
Views: 2243

What are the advantages of using a co2 tank over an air tank

Ive been designing an automatic co2/ air rifle. I have seen several on here that use co2 tanks instead of a tank of compressed air. Why? Is it because you can achieve a higher psi with a smaller tank? Does the co2 last longer without going empty? If I made an automatic co2 rifle, could I just substi...
by gunslinger124
Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:26 am
Forum: Off-Topic Hobbies
Topic: Some swedish guy made a machine gun out of an electric drill
Replies: 4
Views: 1817

awesome. thanks for the link! awwwwwww heck, I gotta watch out for you finns! ahaha :D
by gunslinger124
Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:24 am
Forum: BB, Airsoft, and Pellet Guns
Topic: Caselman air machine gun without mill or lathe
Replies: 7
Views: 6026

Now THAT is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for :idea: ! thanks a lot! Im going to get to work on it quite soon.
by gunslinger124
Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:29 pm
Forum: BB, Airsoft, and Pellet Guns
Topic: Caselman air machine gun without mill or lathe
Replies: 7
Views: 6026

thank you very much. looks like I got some purchasing to do :D
by gunslinger124
Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:40 am
Forum: Off-Topic Hobbies
Topic: Some swedish guy made a machine gun out of an electric drill
Replies: 4
Views: 1817

pardon my failure to read, the guy was actually from finland lol
by gunslinger124
Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:36 am
Forum: Off-Topic Hobbies
Topic: Some swedish guy made a machine gun out of an electric drill
Replies: 4
Views: 1817

Some swedish guy made a machine gun out of an electric drill

So, apparently some guy made a machine gun out of an electric drill. heres the link: Somebody in the comments said it was a cam driven system. Although I do not intend on building one, i would still like t...
by gunslinger124
Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:34 am
Forum: BB, Airsoft, and Pellet Guns
Topic: Caselman air machine gun without mill or lathe
Replies: 7
Views: 6026

well, my budget is about $700. I dont necessarily care how it works, i just want something with similar performance. You say a low pressure one first? what do you reccomend I start out with? and qevs and dcvs? they will work with higher pressures too, right? I know the original caselman had a blowba...
by gunslinger124
Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:57 pm
Forum: BB, Airsoft, and Pellet Guns
Topic: Caselman air machine gun without mill or lathe
Replies: 7
Views: 6026

Caselman air machine gun without mill or lathe

Hey everybody, im a noob and im looking into making a caselman airgun or girandoni style automatic gun. (for those of you not familiar with a caselman, it is fully automatic air gun powered by a compressed air tank, reportedly being able to be deadly for 30 shots and can saw a 2x4 in half) Im having...