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manufacured piston valve

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:57 pm
by daxspudder
So on my ship we have an soft serve ice cream machine, and I was looking at it the other day when I realized that the dispenser piston is a 1" piston with perfect notches and o-rings and all it needs is a check valve to be stuck in a cannon. If you get a chance to look at one up close, you'll see what I'm talking about, dairy queen uses ones like I'm talking about, if you look em up on the internet they are the clear face dispensers, I looked but couldn't find the individual parts online.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:21 pm
by nivekatoz
I know what you mean. I worked at this one place and there was all kinds of things I could make guns from... Its amazing that commercial establishments get accecess to all of the good stuff the normal gay can't...We have to search for it on line,but that dont mean we can buy it ..I have found places that only sell to busness owners and not to the pulblic..( RETAIL) WHAT A RIP OFF! We can only buy what the hardwear store has. It pisses me off that there is so much stuff out there that we don't know about..and can't BUY!!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:49 pm
by Pilgrimman
Dairy Queen uses them? I work there! Guess what I'm doing when I go to work this week... :twisted:

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 11:05 pm
by daxspudder
I worked at a DQ for 13 months, and if you use the same machines we used, they definitely have them, when you pull down the handle on the dispenser it moves a piston on the inside of the front block, its that piston that is perfect for cannon use, its even rated to the 400psi the machines keep the ice cream at(to do thickness/very small opening it doesnt shoot out, but cleaning the machine you can definitely get killed if you dont know what your doing)...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:10 am
by Pilgrimman
cleaning the machine you can definitely get killed if you dont know what your doing)...
Yeah, I got a hint of that once... I was working day shift, and I went to make a blizzard. What my boss failed to mention was that she was working on the machine. POW!!! It was really loud, and I was COMPLETELY covered in ice cream! I had to hose myself down, and then work for the next few hours sopping wet. I loled, but only about 3 weeks later. :D

I've worked there 2 1/2 years now... I've found a lot of useful stuff like O-Rings and springs. I'm definitely going to ask my boss if she keeps any spare pistons around... Man, I wish my boss was a spudder! :D

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:17 am
by LynyrdSkynyrd
lol i "borrowed" a gauge from DQ when i worked there.

yea you gotta be careful about them ice cream machines... they'll go bang when they break or the fluid gets low.

We built a 20 some odd foot milk-crate-a-mid one day and left it up overnight behind the store, the owner didn't appreciate it. Luckily she had a good sense of humor.

At our store we had the whole piston assembly sitting in the back. idk if it was a replacement or broke, but it sat there for a good year.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:23 am
by Pilgrimman
Wow you just described what me and my friend did every day until he left for college! We got ours 28 high, though! I had to climb on the wall, but the camera never saw me. My boss liked pushing the stacks over in the morning anyway lol! Did you ever notice the weird PVC pipes they have? It's as if they don't have access to SCH 40! The writing was kind of worn down, but I'm pretty sure one pipe said SDR 11. Man, spudders are easily amused! (If they're me, lol)

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:30 am
by LynyrdSkynyrd
yea we had sdr 11 at our store too.

we made a makeshift hot dog gun out of it and the CO2 (bad idea).
it put a hole in the wall, which we hid by putting a sign in front of it :D

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:35 am
by Pilgrimman
On my friend's last night, we brought my 1" pneumatic and loaded it with a bunch of the little things on bags of buns that you flick at each other (like, 300 of them). Confetti!!!!! I always though it would be cool to make a hotdog gun out of parts at work, but our new managers are uncool, to say the least... Hotdogs are a good fit, though!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:41 am
by LynyrdSkynyrd
we used to throw my coworker's shorts in the deep freeze. And he wouldn't notice until after work. It was quite amusing.

I brought my mini marshmallow combustion cannon to work once and my manager and i kept on shooting it at one of the other managers (who's a real big bi-atch). We had to say we didn't have any marshmallows left for one of the blizzards b/c we used the last bag w/o even realizing it. :lol:

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:47 am
by Pilgrimman
Man, that one made me lol! We have marshmalllow sauce instead of solid marshmallows, and I couldn't see anyone being cool with being shot by THAT. Dude, best story ever right here: An old woman loses control of her bowels while sitting OUTSIDE (About 50 feet from the ladies room). HUGE trail of crap from there to the bathroom. My friend warned me as soon as it happened, and we both hid in the freezer for an HOUR! We didn't have to clean it up, though! My other friend almost got a hernia laughing when I told him!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:54 am
by LynyrdSkynyrd
thats awesome.... and gross lol. With my luck i woulda had to clean it up.

One time i made a 3 foot ice cream cone. it was awesome... though i dropped it :cry:

it was sad...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:03 am
by Pilgrimman
I stock the ice cream freezer high just to piss off my short supervisor (she's about 4'8", and I'm ~6'3")! I used to run with the handtruck and slide on it until I almost got written up :roll: My friend drew mustard designs on the outside furniture one time, and I ran like heck! (Vandalism by definition!) My other friend was super pissed one night and he chucked a tomato out the door. It hit a car in drive through while it was ordering. the car didn't care, though! Although I do all this stupid stuff, I've never actually eaten any of the food without paying for it! (Probably the only good thing I've done there, lol) A guy actually smokes pot regularly after hours in the parking lot, but the managers don't care (as they do it too :D )

Man, crappy as the job is, there's some good memories...

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:07 am
by LynyrdSkynyrd
lol naturally. we did a lot of the same stuff.

...minus the drive through part... we didn't have that.

I always worked nights so i got the weird crowd.

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:12 am
by Pilgrimman
Yeah, I usually work night... My boss turned on the trash compactor one time, and nearly killed the bum sleeping in it! Another guy came in and took some of the to-go boxes for shoes. You really do meet the weirdos in that job! (Employees and customers)