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Shooting Bow arrows with my pneumatic

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:18 pm
by Extrusion
I was board today so i shot a bow arrow a few times at a box with my pneumatic then fit nicley in 1/2" barrel with a sabot on the back. The arrow was traveling at 245.1 FPS.

Pic of the arrow below.

Ok now i figured the fps with the following method.

Take the distance you shot the projectile from (25 feet in this case) and divide it bye the time in milliseconds it took for the projectile to leave the muzzle and hit the target (0.102 in this case) and the out put is the FPS the projectile was traveling at :D .

Here is the equasion

D = Distance from gun muzzle to target.
T = Time it took for the projectile to leave the muzzle and hit the target.

D (25) / T (0.102) = FPS (245.09803921568627450980392156863 Rounds to 245.1)

I used audacity to take the sound from the video and find out the time it took for the projectile to hit the target.

Now for the video kinda boring lol (Arrow was shot at 100psi). ... ure091.flv

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:41 pm
by Hotwired
Sounds like fun :)

Try longer distances and see how it compares to a bow.

Btw, is the clip meant to be less than 1s long? I play it and get about 3 frames of a soap powder box then it finishes. Nothing happens to it either :(

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:47 pm
by boilingleadbath
I'm assuming this was <i>not</i> with a foam sabot, as I don't think it'd be strong enough.

(oh, and to fend off idjits that would ask how you found velocity using said sound meathod... <a href=" ... 093&">here it is</a>)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:43 pm
by Extrusion
something fed' up when i uploaded the clip sorry ill try it at another place thanks blb and the sabot was a little plastic grape fitted on the end where it would normally go onto the bow string as far as distance well...when i shoot the arrow straight up with my 200$ bow i can see it as it goes all the way up and down with this i lost track of the arrow in about 2 seconds and that was the last i saw of it and the arrow was bright red so it wouldnt be that hard to see it in the air.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:13 pm
by noname
I used about 3 paper towels as wadding to shoot an arrow and it got somewhere around 280 yards, I'm not sure what the speed was though. We lost sight of it about half a second after we shot it and it was exactly like that arrow, red with 2 red fins and 1 blue one.