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what is our world coming too?

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 3:50 pm
by marpat
is it just me or does it seem like the most of the people in my generation are for the most part clueless when it comes to mechanical items and just things that seemed to be general knowledge and experience back a while ago
1. in religion class we were talking about war and the teacher asked us if any of us has used a firearm, i was the only one in my class to raise my hand

2. in the lab for science we had a rubber tube, a bunsen burner, and then the gas hook up, the teacher tells us to hook up the burner to the jet, immedialty everyone was confused as to how to do this, to me it was basic third grade stuff, just slip the hose over the hose barbs on the burner and hookup

3. on average in the parking lot each day 3 cars have dead batterys at the end of the day, the school is lucky if maybe two students the entire week know how to jump start a car

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:06 pm
by brogdenlaxmiddie
Yes it is sad isn't it

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:11 pm
by Davidvaini
thank god, I know how to do all the above :D

I agree... there is a huge amount of clueless people in todays society.
My biggest problem with today's society is close minded ignorant people.

I especially see this when it comes to solving problems in a different way.. People look at the guy that tries something different like he is stupid even though his idea isnt.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:14 pm
by Gippeto
From my view point, it seems to be more and more common as the years pass.

Generalizations to come next, don't beat on me for it; :)

This generation seems to be very computer/tech capable, but nearly useless when confronting a simple mechanical device.

I'll never understand how they can de-bug software conflicts, but can't figure out the lawn mower. :?

It's certainly not that they are less educated. The levels of math, physics, etc., that my nephew and niece study would have been considered college level when I went to high school.

They were raised with computers, video games (pong was just coming out when I was in school.) and the internet as a normal part of life. They have an understanding of these things that quite frankly, leaves me scratching my head. :?

On the other hand, they don't get as involved with the mechanical aspects of life. When your car breaks, you take it back to the dealer.

Just keep making payments, never own anything, and always, get the biggest and the best. (WHY do you NEED a , $40 000 car to get around town? Answer...If you bought the $2500 jalopy, you'd have to learn to FIX it!)

It really is a different way of thinking than that to which I am accustomed.

I find it quite refreshing that there is on this site at least, some people with a mechanical aptitude. It's like coming home to the farm in a way. :D

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:22 pm
by Davidvaini
Gippeto wrote:
This generation seems to be very computer/tech capable, but nearly useless when confronting a simple mechanical device.

I'll never understand how they can de-bug software conflicts, but can't figure out the lawn mower. :?
So true... Im 20 and I was raised on computers since I was 5.. I'm a computer geek at heart.. I do Freelance Web Design, Graphic Design, Programming, and computer construction... I however try to educate myself about mechanical devices. I also try to educate myself about how to use the environment to live. I have run into a lot of people my age that don't know that Birch Tree Bark still burns when wet...

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:37 pm
by MrCrowley
Anyone here seen the movie Idiocracy?
Perfect example of this.

I usually blame this lack of mechanical know-how on Hannah Montana, anything on MTV and sheeple (not a program...just people who follow trends to fit in or be 'cool').

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:52 pm
by taytayswims
its horrible how half of my friends call me over to help them fix something or if i ask them to hand me the cresent wrench they look puzzled. this is basic stuff that will help you in lief


Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:57 pm
i suppose what it comes down to is personality.

if you are a curious person, someone who always want to know how things work... you will find out...

but most people just want things to work... they don't care how their ipod or car or whatever works, they just want to use it.

i suspect most people on the forum (probably all the regulars) are more curious individuals.... who actually think about things!

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:09 pm
by frankrede
MrCrowley wrote:Anyone here seen the movie Idiocracy?
Perfect example of this.

I usually blame this lack of mechanical know-how on Hannah Montana, anything on MTV and sheeple (not a program...just people who follow trends to fit in or be 'cool').
Great movie, I wish this world would see its message.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:11 pm
by PinHead
Marpat, where are you from? I'm from the midwest, a rural area at that, and I'd be really surprised if most of the people I knew in high school hadn't used a firearm or known how to jump start a car (the guys anyways, no offense to any ladies here). I think it's part of the culture more than anything. Are you from a more urban or metropolitan area?

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:18 pm
by littlebro05

I can only do the 2nd option, well since this is Australia. But does philosophy count in option 1, since that stuff interests me although I don't think about it on a day to day basis.

Anyway I'm sure if you're in my generation, but I'm age 16. I reckon the generation in Australia is losing more common sense, and their intelligence was waste, well from what I'm surrounded by anyway.

Take for example, I had this guy in my school who was smart and used it until something went wrong in his family, then his life took the turn for the worse. He started to consume drugs and alcohol, then I don't even know where he's gone anymore. He doesn't even attend school anymore I don't think.

I think the generalising flow will be like this.

1. 15 years ago, the generation did not lack common sense and could get a job easy, except for a few people.

2. The generation 15 years ago will produce children, and since they were smart they end spoiling their kids too much. A small minority of kids lack common sense, yet still smart enough.

3. The flow goes on until a large majority of the kids are spoilt and become delinquents. The parent's will not likely have any control over them.

4. The delinquents if they're smart enough will realised they're wrong doings and their offspring will be disciplined and regain the common sense back into society.

And so the flow goes on like that. Because from what I'm seeing from experience is that kids my age are starting to lose their simple judgement and not using their potential to the fullest.

Sure, this is just a generalisation so I'm not saying all kids are like this, but for some reason I can see the flow of society like that.

Although my parents tell me to try my best, which I try to do in school but sometimes I think my best isn't good enough. Maybe I should do psychology that stuff interests me <,<.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:23 pm
by i-will
this topic hit home for me. all my life i was the one the took things apart and if my mom was lucky i'd put it back together or make it into somethin else. some kids are lucky enough to just be curious and want to know how stuff works. i grew up pretty poor so the only toys i had were ones that i stole or made. so i'm pretty sure the curiosity comes from the way we were raised. if a kid is always distracted (with tv) and gets everything they want than thats all the reason to never care how crap works.

in short if i wanted something i made it.

if the privileged kid wants something he buys it.

as with all theories it isn't always 100% true for everyone.

it pays off every day. i'm considered the mr. fix-it in my town and to everyone else i know.

u just gotta have that state of mind. always asking why and how.

and it feels like i'm the only one in my area that has that state of mind.

this forum is a blessing.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:28 pm
by DYI
While this effect is seen around here, it isn't as prevalent. There are still a good percentage of people here who, when confronted with a ruined sprocket in their snowmobile, will take it out to their shop and rebuild it in a few hours with only an oxy-acetylene torch, a brass bar, and an angle grinder.

It's really nice to live in a rural setting sometimes, it helps you forget how the population in general is being converted into a herd of cowardly, brainless sheep...

And Idiocracy, well, it's a brilliant work. And if what I'm seeing right now is any indication, not hugely inaccurate in its portrayal of the future, if something is not done immediately (which I can nearly guarantee will not be the case).

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:28 pm
by potatoflinger
Another few examples (I'm sorry if I am repeating any others, I didn't read very thoroughly)
1. Most people do not know how to drive a vehicle with a manual transmission. I learned to drive on a stick shift, and it is a very valuable thing to know, especially when the battery dies and there is nobody to jump start it, you can just kick start it.

2. Hunting. In an environmental science class, the teacher asked if any of us hunted. I was the only student to raise my hand, and all of the other students seemed horrified at the idea of killing an animal.

3. Do other guys have souls anymore? I have seen tons of guys at school mistreating women over stupid things that don't even matter. No wonder spouse abuse rates are constantly climbing.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:30 pm
by VH_man
I can say the Contrary, I am friends with a good bunch of future Mechanical Engineers...... As well as a few Actual Mechanical Engineers.

So, really, i have a pretty good team. Everyone outside of that is like WHAAA?

Kind of like Mousetrap Cars. We had our competition today, and my 5 meter time of 1.95 seconds beat everyone by 4 seconds or more...... like... really guys...... I built mine in 10 minutes... and nobody even gets withing the 2-3 second range??? GAH.