Poop in the Urinal
Fiberglass Insulation in the Dryer
Expanding Foam In the Mailbox
Remove The Toilet Seat
Fly Attractant (you can find it for fly traps in any hardware store)
Spray Bottle Full of Pee
Wipe Your Butt On The Guest Towel
Flour in car A/C vent
Shoe Polish of the appropriate color on the toilet seat
Wasabi in the Guacamole:
Well, it's the same color as guacamole and it easy to find. Mix in a tablespoon or two into the guacamole and watch people react.
"Go to your bathroom and unscrew the shower head. Use a 9" Crescent wrench to loosen the shower head.
Place a few boullion cubes into the pipe leading into the wall. They come wrapped in foil. Leave them wrapped. You might even wrap them in plastic wrap so they do not disintegrate right away.
Screw the shower head back in place and wait for the next person to shower. You may want to use teflon tape to keep it from leaking. The water will dissolve the boullion cubes and make a bit of a stink."
"Take a garbage can, the larger and stinkier, the better. Unless you can quietly move a 30 gallon can full of water, since that is around 240 lbs. It's best to stick with one kitchen sized, say 10-16 gallons.
The can should be half full of garbage.
Fill the rest of the can with water.
Lean it against a door that opens in. The can should be leaning at about a 15 degree angle. You get some good stability by resting it between the door and the door jam. Either side of the door works.
Some people knock or ring the bell and run. Some just sneak away and wait to hear the results later, but the end result is the same. The person opens the door, the can falls in and garbage aided by water comes crashing into the dwelling."
"Grease the toilet seats in all the restrooms using a product like Vaseline.
Or just use a tab of butter, Neosporin, Carmex, personal lubricant, even rubber cement, but usually the smell gives that one away. Just leave a fine film. Nobody will really notice until it is too late.
Make sure you do you business at home before you go in. After all, you don't want you little prank to backfire on you."
"Take marbles, packing peanuts or other similar nuisance items, a sheet of cardboard and place them in the medicine cabinet. Use the cardboard to hold them in place. Close the door, remove the cardboard and you are set.
The next time someone opens up the medicine cabinet door, a cascading mess will come out and inundate them."
Sprinkle some water with yellow food coloring all over the toilet seat and floor. It will look like whoever used the toilet before you was a terrible aimer
"Scrape off about an inch or so of your victim's deodorant and replace it with cream cheese. It will take a few minutes to sculpt the cheese in place to look like the deodorant. When finished, put the lid back on and back where you found the deodorant. When your victim needs to freshen up again, he will get a cream cheese surprise"
"Place several packages of "Knox" (clear geletin) in the toilet of someone who will not be around for several days. Looks like water and is harder to detect than the celophane on the lid. For a more instant effect, there is a substance availlable at most magic supply stores called anhydrous sodium poly-acrylate which holds up to 300 times its weight in water. Doesn't take much to turn a toilet solid or someone's drink"
"Follow your victim into a public restroom while carrying an airhorn with you and while he or she is doing their business either at the urinal or in the stall push the airhorn button. It will make the loudest noise and will echo off the restroom walls. It will freighten your victim big time!"