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Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:04 pm
by risto
I'm SOO pissed right now!!!!
last night, someone went thru my workshop (on the back end of my property) and stole:
-an air compressor
-2 Bikes
-An empty keg (i think the joke's on them)
-my old wakeboard
but here's the clincher:
-My "practice" combustion cannon (its what i put things on to test if they work, i.e. propane metering, ignition, etc)
-my CLEAR PVC PIPE SECTION!!!! (just got it 3 days ago)
-My STUN GUN (un-gutted at the time)
-my PVC paint!!!!
most of that was going onto my competition gun, including the metering for my propane, which was on my "practice" cannon.
I have like 3 weeks to start over and I have NO CASH!!!
I hope you bastards shoot your head off with my gun.
Someone make me feel better, please. =[
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:09 pm
by Pete Zaria
That really sucks, man.
Do you think it was a crime of opportunity (someone randomly stumbled upon your workshop) or it was someone you know? Believe it or not, most break-ins are committed by someone the victim knows.
Filing a police report might not be a bad idea... There's a chance they'll catch the dude.
Did you have your workshop locked?
I'm sorry to hear about this man. That's really crappy luck. I hope you're able to get the funds you need to finish your contest gun in time.
Pete Zaria.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:13 pm
by risto
we filed a report, and the cops says it looks like they jammed open the window in the back, had one person go in and unlock to door (garage style) and then they made away with our stuff. There were 3 of them, according to the footprints, and they came back 2-3 times to get all the stuff.
I don't think it was anyone I know, because the same night, the adjacent neighborhood had 5 cars broken into.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:19 pm
by Fnord
listen carefully for the sound of a cannon going off for the next couple weeks.
And ask yourself: who knows about my guns?
from the stuff they took it sounds like they might be gunners also(who else would steal paint and a stungun?)
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:23 pm
by BC Pneumatics
If you are a 'thug' robbing a place, and you saw a stun gun, would you really leave it behind? No way!
And paint would be taken for tagging, no doubt.
Having stuff stolen sucks, I know. Been there done that, just try not to dwell on it.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:27 pm
by pyromaniac
Dude that sucks.
My familys had a car break in, It sucked because my parents went crazy.
Also i have a friend who once had her psp stolen and found it at a friends house.
I hope you get enough funds for your cannon. I agree with fnord its most likely a spudder.
Anything they didn't steal?
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:30 pm
by Pete Zaria
As _Fnord said, ask yourself who knows about your guns and think hard on that. I also liked his idea of listening for cannon fire...
We've had 3 break-ins on my street (which is strange, because my street has 11 houses on it, and is in the middle of *nowhere* [out in the woods, 500+ ft between houses, several miles to the nearest stoplight even]). They stole cars, TVs, etc... from my neighbors houses.
After that, I immediately installed some inferred security cameras, upgraded the alarm system, and put a 12g pistol grip shotgun in my bedroom and one in my office
You might want to consider some security. Even creating the illusion of security (such as fake cameras and stickers advertising an alarm company like ADT or Brinks, even if you don't have a security system) will help to scare off potential intruders.
The very best security system known to man is a well-trained guard dog and an owner with a shotgun. I prefer German Shepherds. Those dogs are amazingly smart, easy to train, great family dogs, and can apply over 700psi of force with their jaws...
Pete Zaria.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:36 pm
by Fnord
BC: on second thought, I guess I wouldnt leave a stungun behind
If they use the paint for tagging(assuming you mean graffiti) then you can use that againt them too. Who knows, you might find out someone got busted for spraying building in the police reports.
Check ebay for your stuff also (no seriously, a lot of stolen items show up on ebay soon afterwards).
Edit: Also, It would be a good idea to stand back and look at what was taken and what wasn't. A lot of the time you can tell what type of person stole from you by what they took.
A few idiots out to make a quick buck would have taken the compressor, bikes/board and probably the gun.
Someone who knows about stuff like pvc(which isnt joe schmoe) would take the clear piece because of its value.
These guys had a truck and had obviosly thought about it and recon'd awhile before it happened. Would you drive a truck into somebody's yard and break into their shed if you had no idea what was in it?(pete and pimp metioned this stuff while I was editing. sorry)
How much money do you get for recycling kegs, anyway?
A keg would also make a good chamber.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:41 pm
by CS
Provided the story is true, it is someone that knows you. Possibly indirectly. (Not proposing it isn't, just stating such in the possible event)
People who rob want stuff, or want to disrupt. The ones of which who want 'stuff', are going to follow a general value versus volume/ weight. A rather bulky 4.5" diameter tube of moderate weight does not fancy any of those factors. You could pick up a power tool that easily has its same volume/weight, and still have it be of use if not able to sale, not to mention at least double of a return if sold. Same goes for the spray paint, no reason to haul around something of that size for a damn dollar. Someone jumbling threw your things of value is likely not to even recognize a gutted stun gun.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:46 pm
by Pete Zaria
Pimp is right. Either it's someone you know or it was some stupid-ass drugged up teenagers rummaging through people's crap for $hits and giggles. No serious thief would do that.
Who knew about your guns? Who knew about that workshop/shed and what was inside? Can you think of anyone that knew that you don't trust, or have reason to suspect?
I say get some security set up.
Pete Zaria.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:48 pm
by pyromaniac
Put up a fence around the shed then put a canadian goose in there and there you go a guard goose.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:04 pm
by Killjoy
That really sucks sorry to hear that. My dad an I had these guys break into our workshop out in the middle of no where, took his playboy collection, .22 caliber rifle and pistol and some machinery and tools. They also took close to a 1000 shotgun rounds of different gauges. Trashed the place to which made it worse.
Funny thing was, the guys who stole it we know live down the country road we were on becuase the exact same atv (color, make, accesorys) that one of our neighbors said he saw belonged to these guys. The guys knew what we had in the place (shot a lot of clay pigions with shoguns and target practiced with rifles) and that we were rarely out there to check on stuff.
The only thing I can suggest is to put bars on your windows, drill a hole in the track for the garage door and put a lock on the track so even if the basterds do get in, they can't open the garage door (track is blocked). Also, get a double sided deadbolt lock and mount it on the door (if there is one), so they won't be able to open the door from the inside or out side. This should make it extremly hard for them to get your stuff out (particulary your heavy and bulky items), because they will have to move the stuff out through the windows.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:25 pm
by A-98
hmm...i wish my dad had a playboy collection...
in really sorry to hear that risto. ive never been robbed, but its supposed to be very traumatic.
hope you find the people that did it, or get your stuff back!
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:23 pm
by risto
i live out in the woods and the far end (where the workshop is) is against a fence that leads to a road to that other neighborhood where the cars were broken into. I <i>would</i> draw a picture, but between cursing and talking with police to find out what all is stolen (which our 15000 watt generator was stolen too, i didnt even notice the first time), i dont have much time.
And they didn't steal our old satellite dish, any of our "high quality" ropes and cables, our scrap wood or our plant pots (sadly). I hate those damn pots.
Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:30 pm
by frankrede
Playboy is boring.
I am sorry to hear about your loss man, I would have taken the clear pvc too, jk.
I know how it is to lose stuff.
Last year my PSP 5 games and my ipod were stolen from me.
Sneaky bastards.