Single barrel preloaded cartige gun
Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 11:53 am
Ok, I have finished my preloaded cartrige gun. All credit goes to Davidvaini, since it is his design. I have a blowgun(the ones you get for filling up car tires) to trigger it, the pipe size for the cartrige is 1 1/4". I use multiple layers of plastic bag. I made an air tant, which lasts about 5 shots, and is made ALMOST completely out of aluminum( I have an aluminum bottle, aluminum pump, but a plastic 125 psi rated valve). The pump is jb welded to the tank, and into the valve. I have no clue what the pressures are yet. Since I am not allowed to shoot anything other than confetti, water, and air, no damage pics . But since its independence day, its perfect. It sounds like a firecracker, and blasts out confetti . Enough with the chit chat, here are some pics.