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tell me what you think of this piston idea ;]

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:04 pm
by bikingpro911
Tell me what you think.

i think i have a great idea on this piston design. i have i bealieve a 21mm socket with a i bealieve 3/8 threaded rod going threw it cut about a 1/2" or very little more with 10 washers the just fit inside the socket followed by a nut to keep it solid and in place. in the fron of the socket i have a steal washer that is just ever so slightly bigger than the OD of the socket. followed by a gasket.

now heres the thing that gasket was made out of a solid piece of rubber that came from a bathroom sink. its that cap that will close the drain to keep the water in the sink itself. i took that of and discovered that it was a SOLID piece of rubber so i cut it out a VERY SLIGHTLY bigger than the OD of the socket.

followed by that is a biketube sealing face that presses up against the pipe inside the 1" T. followed by that is a metal washer that fit the ID of the socket followed by a nut. now in the back of the piston there is a washer slightly smaller than the OD of the socket. than that is followed by a bike tube which was of course cut to size. now the bike tube in the back is EXTREMELY SLIGHTLY bigger than the ID of a sch21 1" pipe. followed by another washer that is the same ID of the socket followed by lock washer than a nut. now i havent figured out a bumper but that is no problem.

now heres this idea. the piston will fit inside the 1" sch21 pipe and go into the 1" T to press up against the pipe connecting the T to a male screw fitting. so basically i have some/alot of pressure behind itto keep it sealed up agaist the pipe TIGHT. and when i pressure iz it it wont leak so when i let the air out behind the piston should the piston fly back quick if it is all lubbed in grease?

tell me if you think that this is a good idea or not. tell me what you think and please saysomething bad about it so i can learn and improve lol. i know its a heavey piston so dont say nothing about the weight. i think this is perfect piston. costs about 10 dollars. thanks.


Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:14 pm
by blind909
Sounds good, but can you get up a diagram on Microsoft Paint, or some other program so We can understand and see what your aiming for?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:16 pm
by Hotwired

I'm too knackered to be replying with a constructive answer (2.15am) so I'm just going to ask why you're reposting an exact copy of a thread you posted the other day: Click Here

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:25 pm
by bikingpro911
i know but not alot of people replyed to the last one plus i made mistakes in that. and it is not exact just almost :D

but i dont have a cam and hate to spend more time on this computer. :D