Me and Reedfe built this a while ago and recently upgraded it to a break barrel, made some shells for it, and made it a repeater. Here is the result!
It uses... VALVE: 1/2" ball valve, oiled. FIRING CHAMBER: 35" 3/4" sch 40 PVC. AIR TANK: 39" 1.5" sch 40 PVC. TANK VALVE: 3/4" ball valve. BARREL: 34" 1/2" sch 40 PVC. FILL VALVE: 1/4" schrader valve. BREECH LOAD: Break barrel. AMMO CAPACITY: 4 shells without one in barrel, 5 with one preloaded. PRIMARY AMMUNITION: Metal marbles and paper airsoft shotgun shells.
We didn't get a video today since the upgrades, but here is one with the old breech firing marbles.
Here is our ammo assortment:
We painted the marbles orange so we could find them in the grass.
Fill is in the front:
Firing chamber:
We crack the tank valve a bit to automatically fill the firing chamber.
Muzzle break:
Break barrel breech:
Desert camo paint job to come soon. Posting pics when finished... Enjoy...
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:54 am
by maverik94
Haha. Veeeeeerrry Nice! I like the break-barrel aspect especially!! Though I'd go with a spring-loaded ball valve later if you wanted to improve the design. And haha, the music in your video is from The Chronicles of Narnia!!! (FOR NARINIA!!!! AND FOR ASLAN!!!!! )Don't forget Gun Freak, I am a musician too, and I notice these things as well. Anyway, very nice build!
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:58 am
by Gun Freak
Thanks man! We are going to updrade the break barrel later so it has a guide on the cover and the barrel will be spring loaded to pop up and stay there automatically. This is for airsoft matches so it was built to be fired quickly. We used that music in another video for school and had it downlaoded already, so we threw it in the video so it wouldn't be so boring!
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:03 am
by maverik94
We are going to updrade the break barrel later so it has a guide on the cover and the barrel will be spring loaded to pop up and stay there automatically.
That sounds awesome!! Can't wait to see that on video!
EDIT: BTW, how well does that break barrel system seal?
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:09 am
by Gun Freak
maverik94 wrote:
That sounds awesome!! Can't wait to see that on video!
EDIT: BTW, how well does that break barrel system seal?
It might be next weekend that we get the video up, it depends when the next time I see Reedfe is. He has the gun right now, but he may be able to get some video up, it's up to him.
The break barrel seals alright, you can feel a little air come out but the power is still good. The bb shotgun shells get around 300 fps with a .12 gram.
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:35 am
by reedfe
The break barrel seals alright, you can feel a little air come out but the power is still good. The bb shotgun shells get around 300 fps with a .12 gram.
i'm gonna get a spring today hopefully and a floor pump (finally) so i can shoot it without gun freak.
and what about using lego's as a guide? i've got loads at my house you know. got a stick thing and two pieces that let it slide. will it be durable or look ghetto?
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:17 pm
by Gun Freak
Well it doesn't need to be that durable but it shouldn't break with repeated use. A lego should work, but it WILL look ghetto. How about encasing it with something, like a pvc shell? You probably can't do it at your house but here I could do it easily. You are in terrible need of a floor pump, lol. Where are you gonna get one? And where are you getting the spring? If Halls, make a new piston too, so you can shoot the GB gun, cause you're getting a pump
BTW... what happened to all your spud bux?
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:20 pm
by clemsonguy1125
Get a Bell from Walmart, there 14 bucks and work great, plus they dont lose air when the disconnect from the schrader.
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:21 pm
by maverik94
The break barrel seals alright, you can feel a little air come out but the power is still good. The bb shotgun shells get around 300 fps with a .12 gram.
Very nifty.
BTW... what happened to all your spud bux?
He probably put them in the bank.
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:22 pm
by reedfe
i got a floor pump 140 psi lifetime warranty (yay...) umm and idk what happened to my spud bux. i realized that today
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:23 pm
by Gun Freak
I have a Schwinn from walmart, got it for 20 bucks and it works breat, except I overloaded the gauge and it blew out lol.
@Maverik, we load about 15-20 bbs in each shell, so 300 fps on each bb is pretty good
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:28 pm
by reedfe
i found them. wow i'm stupid
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:29 pm
by Gun Freak
What brand pump? How much? Where'd you get it?
Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:33 pm
by reedfe
a blackburn company pump. 30$ (cheapest they had). sports authority.
and what colors do you think for 3 color desert? i'm thinking a khaki base then a washed-out OD type color. and finally brown.
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