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"Chappy" cannon ( contest applicant)

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:18 am
by Brian the brain
CHAPPY by Sam Tex

Cannon name: "Chappy" cannon made by Sam Tex
Type of gun: Pneumatic
Chamber size: 5.4 liter (90 mm diameter)
Barrel size: 53mm bore, 1.2meter length
Gas source: Bike pump ( boy, what a work out!!)
Valve: Homemade 77mm piston actuated by 3/4" ballvalve

This enormous ( I believe it to be Europe's biggest :?: ) handheld cannon is made by my brother.He is nicknamed Sam Tex for reasons I cannot discuss here.
It has a 5.4 liter reservoir made from 90 mm pressure-rated PVC.
It's a B! tch to find pressure rated PVC here in Holland.
It has no manometer because our bikepump has a very accurate one.
The piston is made from a bolt and washers, some 8 mm neoprene ( also hard to find!) some MDF, and some very snug fitting perspex rings.
No need for O-rings.
It actuates like a mother, even at low pressures.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:25 am
by drac
:shock: Absolutely freakin beautiful! Me likey!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:50 am
by CS
Damn nice gun!

Id agree thats one of the largest guns in Europe, although I think theres some larger. Forget the name of the one that make a huge hybrid. That thing is huge and clean! Although Id venture to claim the cleanest constructed cannon. Love the gray pipe rather then are white pipe... Love the allen screws for the remoavable access to the piston. May have to copy that :-p. Best gun ive seen in a long time. I see you in Europe still havent got over the tie-dye thing...

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:09 am
by huse_spud
that is way cool beans! Too bad this sam tex guy has a hard time finding pressure rated pipe.

just imagine the kind of guns he would build if he lived in the states.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:20 am
by Brian the brain
He would be using the largest diameter he could find hehehe!!

BTW the damage was done under 2 bar!!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:07 am
by beebs111
what? isnt that like 10 psi?

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:09 am
by LucyInTheSky
2BAR ~ 29PSI.

And just to make the message long enough.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 11:14 am
by SpudStuff
Ohhh me like. Is that Sch 80 equivelant. I dont know the classes in Europe. Also is that the same design of valve in the BCVids tutorial?

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 3:48 pm
by airpress
Nice cannon.
I like the color scheme with the pipe and fittings.
Where did you buy that pipe?Has that store a site?

Btw, I'm from Belgium. :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 4:29 pm
by Brian the brain
Airpress??? Are you still alive?? Long time no see.We discussed some things on before.I remember you.( Boilie cannon right??)

De site die je moet hebben in Nederland is
Ik weet niet of ze het versturen naar Belgiƫ, maar hun winkel zit bij mij om de hoek in Den Haag

I love writing in Dutch to piss you guys off hahaha
Anyway...just plain gray isn't much of a "scheme".
I'm glad we don't have the white stuff here.And no confusing "schedule" either.
It's just PN16 meaning it's rated up to 16 bar (250 PSI).PN simply means Pressure Number.

And no, Spudstuff... it's not designed after any of the sloppy BC vids!!!
BTW...if we have different materials here...then how am I supposed to know if it's equivelant to sch 80???Never seen that in my life!!

It's like me asking you if PN16 is like sch 80 over in the states... it??

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 5:18 pm
by Velocity
Wow, nice gun... the valve was constructed very cleanly! It reminds me of a supah valve in terms of size; it has a slightly larger inlet though (3.5" compared to the 2" of the supah). Same outlet though (2").

My only suggestion is to replace the ball valve with a sprinkler valve/QEV, and then use a blowgun to actuate it. Not only will this yield greater performance, it will be more ergonomic as well.

Either way, great first build!

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 5:47 pm
by Brian the brain
I recommended the same thing but he doesn't want to get another pilot valve.Almost impossible to find sprinkler valves here anyway.
I found only one place that sold sh! tty ones.

It would be easier to construct a smaller piston valve from pvc parts to actuate the large one.

He feels he might get spoiled on his first cannon if he uses to much "upgrades". He likes it "raw"

He wanted to build a burst-disk gun at first.I'm glad I convinced him to build a Tee Valve!!
Anyway...the blowgun actuates the valve insanely fast.
I was not expecting it to work this well.It gives a good pop and good recoil at 2.5 bars so who's complaining?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:25 am
by Shrimphead
Nice cannon! I too am kinda liking the gray. He did a nice especially for a first gun and it being a piston.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 10:43 am
by Brian the brain today we actually went SPUDDING!!

I had never shot a patatoe in my life until today ( mainly marbles and stuff). I have to say it's a lot of fun.To bad it's illegal here.
But never mind that!!
This thing is awsome!! The spud kept going up until it became "invisible"
I couldn't see it at it's highest point, but I could see it starting to climb less.

I estimate it gets 400 meter at 2.5 bar!!!!
We still don't trust the "plastic"enough to take it up to 7bar(100 psi)

We shot over some trees on a hill 150-200 meter away and the high point would be a little further.
I reacon it still has to come down from its high point, so I estimate about 400 meter.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 4:38 am
by chosen_way
400 meters wow :o , you can take it to 100psi i had sch 40 up 160 psi and i was shitting my self holding it in my hands and when i shot it i just heard a long thud and looked at my mates garage and there was a hole going staright through it. i am liking the grey aswell wish i could get it here in australia.