My First Cannon
Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 7:27 pm
I bilive that I am a rare spudder. I discovered air cannon all on my own! My first gun was this here, i needed to fire some wooden coins for a play that i was involved in. At first i would just plug it into the CO2 tank for a second while aiming upwards, then i realized that i could make a canister to hold air and when i pushed the quick couples together it shot out the air, thus my first air cannon!! Not untill i had created my first ball valve cannon (which accedently shot a broomstick through the fence and dented my neibors house , and then somehow got cut into several pieces by my very mad father with a chop saw...) and my first electronic sprinkler valve cannon (second photo) did i find this website. I have been addicted to spuddin' ever since. And i must say, it is a very rewarding, fun, and expensive hobby. Anywho, here is my first gun (made several years ago)