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Mauler powered cannon

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:06 pm
by donlino
Here are some pics I took today of my latest gun and first big pneumatic. A little background on me I got into spudguns back in 2000 when the old free pre joel spudtech forums were up. I posted on the spudtech forums under the name "spud lover" some of you old timers may remember me. I was in combustions for a while but after coming home from the Army I decided to get into pneumatics. I currently go to school and work on Indiana Jones adventure at Disneyland. That is the address to the pics, all the pics labeled 04Jul2007.

It has a 4"x5' chamber, mauler valve, 3/4" qev pilot, ball valve dump with regulated air input. I use cam locks now which KICK ASS! Many of you dick around with all this fancy stuff. The longer you do this the more simple you want it. This cannon rocks, I can switch barrels in seconds and reloading takes just as long. As you can see I have a 2" barrel, 1.5" rifled, 2.5", and sleeved GB barrel. I also have a 2" Sch80 rifled from an old combustion that I never use and will probably sell since they are no longer made. Great gun, lots of power, easy to use.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:11 pm
by rednecktatertosser
Nice Cannon!! Very true, simpla cannons kick ass! How much recoil you getting with that golfball barrel?

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:11 pm
by hi
those pictures are huge, i mean huge! up load them to image shack and scale 'em down a bit.

from what i could tell it looked good.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:24 pm
by donlino
rednecktatertosser wrote:Nice Cannon!! Very true, simpla cannons kick ass! How much recoil you getting with that golfball barrel?
Not much recoil with the golfballs, low weight and no drag. I could barely hang on when I was holding it with a water filled TB. Even spuds cause some dramatic recoil. I was going to make a stand for it but laying it on a chair and swiveling works fine for now.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:38 pm
by potatoflinger
That's pretty awesome. :D

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:52 am
by spud yeti
Nice cannon by the specs, but I didnt look at the pics yet because they like 4 megs! Please do what hi suggested! :wink:
Otherwise, well done on a great cannon! :lol:

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 4:24 pm
by The_Crackerjack_Man
Nice gun, what do you shoot with the other barrels?

And off topic: Nice paintball gun.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:07 pm
by NoXi
wow nice cyborg. thats 05 right? where do you paintball? i live in norcal.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:13 pm
by donlino
The_Crackerjack_Man wrote:Nice gun, what do you shoot with the other barrels?

And off topic: Nice paintball gun.
Well its pretty self explanatory. 1.5" rifled for various vegetable and produce that is handy, damn accurate. sdr-21 for golfballs. 2" for various random crap including nerf footballs which fly incredibly far, 2.5" for TBs. I will probably add a 3" soon just to have it.

Thanks for compliments of the PB gun. It was my last gun before I got out of the sport. I sold it over a year ago and got rid of my ND freestyle. Got rid of my phantom, loader, HPA, everything except for my old a-5 and some random stuff. Got too expensive even though I was on a sponsored team and the sport took a turn in the wrong direction IMO.

If anyone asks about the other pictures yes that was a weekend project swapping the motor. This is what I do for fun, here is my buddys car. ... recent&p=2