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Lookin for Cheap
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:18 am
by Jman99
I dont have much money to put out towards making a gun, but I do want to make one. I've made about the most basic one you can and I love it, it was cheap and it works great, I'm simply wondering if there is a cheap way to make one a bit more advanced.... I also was wanting to know, what size barrel fits a golf ball, and how can you keep the golf ball from falling back into the chamber? Any guidance would be much appriciated!
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:53 am
by bluerussetboy
Only a bit more advanced? Add a chamber fan, even in a basic spray and pray you can see noticeable improvements.
As for the golf ball barrel size, use the search or maybe even the how-to section.
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:03 am
by bigbob12345
The best advancement for any combustion is a propane meter. And they can be made cheaply($30 or under) if you really try to make it cheap.
But as bluerussetboy said a chamber fan is a good option too.
And a golf ball barrel is 1.5in sdr21
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:12 am
by judgment_arms
How much money we talkin’; 20 bucks’ll buy you a fairly decent pneumatic cannon in almost any caliber under 2 inch…
I think when I get back from the Chiropractor I’ll start work on a how-to on a simple but effective, cheap as Chinese but American/German quality (if you’re good at building stuff), air cannon, available in 2, 1.5, 1, .75, and .5 inch.
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