Hey chaps,
I'm flattered to get so many responses! Thanks!!
hubb017 wrote:Do research on DDT. There, you will find your answer.
Welcome to Spudfiles.
Iv done a little research today, and found nothing conclusive; I will def keep on looking. I take this (and all) my hobbies very seriousaly, specially those that involve serious energy levels.
starman wrote:It is deflagration in most normal combustion chambers. The longer and thinner chambers are thought to come closer to inducing DDT. Multiple spark gaps are considered an advantage and would tend to have a chamber shortening effect.
As I mentioned, I'm into very powerful performance cars, and know multiple points of ignition are advantageous for complete combustion (especially in adverse mixture conditions) See commercial motors, small / medium sized aeronautical piston motors, alfa's etc.
Iv read the sample data from [
http://www.inpharmix.com/jps/] on the speed increase of complete combustion of multi point ignition setups.
The Ign setup I've built creates a 20mm spark, which when split between 2 or 3 points, will do the job.
The issue is though, that in the auto world, (minus poor fuel, overly hot inlet temps { from bad inter cooling, turbos ran past their efficiency zone or just lots of ignition advance}) detonation occurs from secondary hot points igniting the mixture, ala diesel styles. So its these "twin points of ignition" that is confusing me a little.
Clearly, it isn't as serious as i thought, as its considered a "good thing", to have multi point. I guess my question revolves around the "when does twin point cause an issue"
As with many other guys that end up here, it BLEW my mind to find such a detailed, quality information source revolving around combustion devices. Id been playing around for 10 years; if only i knew
SpudFarm wrote:to put it this way, if you get DDT in a PVC gun you are dead.
nice avater, i have a fetish for APFSDS rounds
Again, my main experience is from the automotive areas. From memory, det induced a 30% increase in chamber pressures. I'm using SCH40 which i rated to around 300psi i thought? I read here that combustions are lucky to get 80-100psi;... so wouldn't a detonation occurance only seeing less then 150psi?
APFSDS? - Oh dude, dont get me started, Iv got a pretty good design in mind now, i just need the device to fire it
Big ups.
starman wrote:hubb017 wrote:What starman means is this:
Thanks Hubb! Here's a 3 gap solution that puts the flame fronts only 2" away from each other or the chamber wall in a 4" pipe.
Hey man, thanks for responding!!
Iv seen your setup around, and multi ign is def the go in my mind. Honestly though, your setup looks slick, but i cant see the advantage with just using normal sharpened screw, protruding from the inside wall of the chamber. Screws is what i will use, as the are easier to service.
jimmy101 wrote:SpudFarm wrote:
SpurFarm should know better than this.
DDT is only a problem if it occurs early enough in the combustion process. If it takes the burning of 95% of the fuel to get the last 5% to DDT then that 5% is not going to be a problem for PVC. For DDT to be a problem it has to involve a significant amount of the fuel load.
Cheers man. Again i think i need to research more about DDT. My previous understanding was that ANYTIME theres two flame fronts that collide, you get det. Clearly this isnt the case.
Well, i been looking at SF.com enough to know, Iv got some serious hitters commenting here, seems the consensus is that, its HARDER to get det then i thought, specially in the propane / atmospheric environment i envisage.
Ill def do more research.
Man, scouring the forums, theres NOTHING like what im planning, it'll blow your minds :0