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The not so secretive secrets of perfect fuel

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:40 am
by escape
All to often there are posts (not that I've been on this particualr forum that long) about the right fuels for spud guns.

The best fuel, for me, hands down is propane. Especially when metered, it's burns clean, leaves with a clean odour and gives you're gun better overall performance. Also you have butane, which is another quality fuel but has no means of metering on a large scale and is probably not as convenient as propane. However, for the beginners, propane/butane may be to advanced, or, your gun may be too small to bother about propane/butane.

There are a number of deoderants and other such aerosol products which will fuel your gun well. The ingredients you should out for are mainly once again propane and butane, but normally if it has a flammable warning on should work soundly. Products you should avoid are hairspray, it gunks up your gun and anti-persperant deoderant for the same reason.


Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:39 am
by experament_u2
im only a beginer but i find that butaine refils wich are cheap as chips there nosels fit in the bike pump valves pefectly so u can refil ur gun thro that its relly quick and easly it also helps keep the reload space u need to a minimum

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 9:28 am
by SpudBlaster15
Ummmm, thanks for stating the obvious. I think everyone who has been into spudguns for longer than an hour knows this.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:42 am
by escape
Cmon, give me a little more credit. You don't actually think I was posting it for all you seasoned "pros" out there who have been doing it for ages. It's target audience is, which I thought was obvious, people new to to spudding.

Hey, call me presumptuous, but if you think your so advanced why even open a thread with a title like this one?


Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 9:28 am
by SpudBlaster15
I have been into cmbustion guns for slightly less than 2 weeks. Within one hour of forming my interest, I knew exactly what parts I would need for a direct, metered propane injection.

And when did I ever open a thread based on something so obvious as fuel? There are dozens of websites out there that deal with direct propane injection and its advantages, and a single google search can reveal a heck of alot more info than this post did. Now, if you had posted about a revolutionary new way to inject fuel, then I would have given you some credit, but as of now, this post is quite useless in my eyes.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:44 am
by escape
You once again seem to have been lost in the meaning of my thread...

This thread was designed to offer advice to people who don't know any better. As I previously stated, I have seen numerous amounts of posts and threads in which people ask about fuel. The reason for this thread was to answer these peoples questions before they got to the point of trashing up the forum with repetetive, annoying, pointless and ill-grammaticized bullshit.

I know I just made a word up, but it fits in the context of my rant.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:39 am
by SpudBlaster15
No, I understand the meaning of your thread, I just dont support it. I mean come on, read it over again, you are stating the obvious, even to newbies.

"The best fuel, for me, hands down is propane. Especially when metered, it's burns clean, leaves with a clean odour and gives you're gun better overall performance."

Hmmm, I wonder why that would be... :roll:

"Also you have butane, which is another quality fuel but has no means of metering on a large scale and is probably not as convenient as propane."

I wonder which newbie hasnt thought of using butane, with its extremely flammable warning and known use as lighter fluid, to fuel a spudgun. I know it was the first thing I tried when I bilt my first combustion, even without once glancing at the internet. I will agree though, it works well.

"There are a number of deoderants and other such aerosol products which will fuel your gun well. The ingredients you should out for are mainly once again propane and butane, but normally if it has a flammable warning on it"

Not only is most of this obvious, some of it is false. Just because it has a flammable warning on it doesnt mean it will work in a spud gun. Think WD-40, with its extremely flammable warning and carbon dioxide propellant.

Most of the fuel related questions are based on less common, less used fuels that fit your basic criteria, but some of which do not work well, as they may contain large amounts of water or other "inerts". Your post is no help to them.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:36 pm
by frankrede
Spudblaster seriously, enough with the flaming.
You need to seriously stop now.
Your not everybody.
Not everyone knows about propane or butane and are using hairspray.
His thread is a good one too.

Not only is most of this obvious, some of it is false. Just because it has a flammable warning on it doesnt mean it will work in a spud gun. Think WD-40, with its extremely flammable warning and carbon dioxide propellant.

He said normally, which in this case wd-40 doesnt apply.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:43 pm
by SpudBlaster15
The new Right Guard formula also has a flammable warning on it, but it will not work. Also, many flammable aerosols contain substances such as acetone and other ketones, which will dissolve your gun.

My point?

Stating that "anything flammable" should work is not a good thing to do.

Maybe my opinion doesnt apply to everyone, but if you cant figure out that you can use propane as a fuel and build a system to meter it on your own, you are either lazy or stupid, and should not be building spudguns.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:33 am
by escape
Again, you're fucking lost. You know it all don't you? Well news fucking flash mate, not everybody does. THAT WAS THIS THREAD IS FOR! Not everyone is as resourcefull, smart and talented as you.

Don't post back with some bullshit remarks about how you do understand the thread because you obviously don't. Seems Mr Fucking Expert after 2 weeks got something wrong.

Seriously, just get over yourself you presumptuous cunt

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 10:57 am
by SpudBlaster15
Hmmmm, you seem to be missing the vital component nessesary for proper cognitive function called gray matter.

Look, moron, I realize that you intended this thread to be helpful to people who are new to the hobby, and the only reason I replied stating what I did in the first place is because I AM new to this, and your thread didnt help me in the least. It wouldnt have helped me if it was the first piece of information I saw when beginning my research, because your post is so vague. Rather than state the most basic, unhelpful information possible, why didnt you just link people to the various sites on the net that detail the process of propane injection? It would have been FAR more helpful to new users.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:35 pm
by frankrede
So you are new to this and you get it, but plenty won't.
Now lay off his ass you asshole.
Now lets get some mods in here.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:40 pm
by reaper613
does the 15 at the end stand for 15 sticks up your ass

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:48 pm
by SpudBlaster15
No, it represents the volume of gray matter within your cranium, expressed as cubic micrometers.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:57 pm
by Hotwired
This thread is starting to lower the average post maturity level methinks.
