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Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 12:48 am
by SpudBlaster15
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec placerat erat. Vivamus dapibus egestas nunc, at eleifend neque. Suspendisse potenti. Sed dictum lacus eu nisl pretium vehicula. Ut faucibus hendrerit nisi. Integer ultricies orci eu ultrices malesuada. Fusce id mauris risus. Suspendisse finibus ligula et nisl rutrum efficitur. Vestibulum posuere erat pellentesque ornare venenatis. Integer commodo fermentum tortor in pharetra. Proin scelerisque consectetur posuere. Vestibulum molestie augue ac nibh feugiat scelerisque. Sed aliquet a nunc in mattis.
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 1:18 am
by TwitchTheAussie
Your story is a lot better than mine and thats a nice cannon to start with.
My story started when I was 13. Staying up late and browsing the net looking for a simple homemade weapon. I happened upon a crap site that sold plans for weapons, I thought nah screw this then I saw a thing called a tennis ball cannon. I was hooked. My first cannon was so ghetto it wasnt funny. It was a maccas cup taped to some toilet rolls with a coke can acting as the chamber. Needless to say this was the first thing to shrapnel on me
Fun but I like your cannon man.
Thanks for the memories
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 1:34 am
by Killjoy
Yeah spud, your story is...nice to put simply, with no one getting hurt.
My first combustion i used propane, couldn't get it to light(3 minutes was a bit much of having the valve open), so i opened it and looked in to make sure the bbq lighter was working, and whoosh! I was engulfed in a giant fire ball, lost most of my hair and all of my eyebrows, and burned the ceiling of my garage. Of course i was hooked from then on out.
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 1:41 am
by MrCrowley
I heard by brother discussing one to friends that he saw a few adults with. I read up about it, my brother thought it was impossbile for us to make one, And after a hundred bucks and a few weeks of research as I soon found out our pipe and fittings differences I had a very basic combustion cannon. I was hooked, always wanting to improve. My grandad was very impressed as he thought it wouldn't work. They are very rare in New Zealand, I would be the only one in my school with one, or anyone who even knows how to build one. Not many have heard of them. Thats the good thing about them here, everyone thinks they're super hard to make.
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:28 am
by experament-u2
MrCrowley wrote:I heard by brother discussing one to friends that he saw a few adults with. I read up about it, my brother thought it was impossbile for us to make one, And after a hundred bucks and a few weeks of research as I soon found out our pipe and fittings differences I had a very basic combustion cannon. I was hooked, always wanting to improve. My grandad was very impressed as he thought it wouldn't work. They are very rare in New Zealand, I would be the only one in my school with one, or anyone who even knows how to build one. Not many have heard of them. Thats the good thing about them here, everyone thinks they're super hard to make.
so basicly you are a king in New Zealand?
its a nice gun i like the trigger allot better than my first trigger witch was a mess
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:46 am
by mega_swordman
Interestingly enough, I got hooked through the pneumatic cannon, not the combustion. I was watching the discovery channel a couple years ago and they mentioned the use of air cannons to shoot...something. Anyway, they showed a clip of it firing and I instantly thought "I want one." Nearly stumbling over an armchair, I ran to the computer and began to research air cannons. I failed to convince my parents to allow me to build one (my dad seems to like having good written plans first). However, this year, we had a big science project in which we had to teach the class about something of your choice. Upon hearing the word anything, I thought "excuse for air cannon construction". So that's my story. It may mot be a combustion cannon one, but I've never built one.
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 5:52 am
by TwitchTheAussie
[quote="mega_swordman"]However, this year, we had a big science project in which we had to teach the class about something of your choice. Upon hearing the word anything, I thought "excuse for air cannon construction". quote]
Hehe I had the same moment this year as well. Im experimenting with a "Model Combustion Engine" to see if I can improve "Fuel Efficiency" aka what would chuck a spud the best. Ironically this will be my first proper combustion.
Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 10:38 am
by Fnord
A very long time ago (12 maybe?), I used to launch milk jugs like rockets by filling them with propane. It was fun for a while, but the 4th of july came around and I got side-tracked with fireworks. When I was 14 I made a squirtgun out of a 2 liter, a ball valve, and some pipe/hose. I made it to take to bandcamp my freshman year.
After screwing around for a while after practice, I found that by adding a short lenght of pipe to the end, I could launch small objects fairly fast. We ended up shooting john hooker(no really, that's his name) in the back with a bunch of tic-tacs. They left welts, and everyone thought I was brilliant
The next year I had improved upon my gadgets, making a new pneumatic with a 1.5x30" barrel and a 2 liter for a chamber. I taped the old squirt gun to it as well and took it back to camp with me.
That year the backs of the cabins were mysteriously plastered with shaving cream and ketchup.
I got to shoot my band director with a barrel full of water, to which he said "that thing's awesome!"
After that year I cant really remember a whole lot. I made a flamethrower when I was 15 among other misc things. I started to make things out of steel after making a forge in my backyard.
Back in february I made my first combustion (a mini) when I found spudfiles.
I made the hybrid for the competition afterwards, and only a couple weeks ago made a full-sized combustion, which I will post eventually.
I have several other guns in the works and tons of ideas, but most probably wont happen until I get a job (hopefully that will be soon).
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:53 pm
by mopherman
About 2 years ago, i took apart and old nerf gun to see how they worked and i used those parts to make a 2l bottle launcher. My parents thought i was smart so i got to keep on spudding till this day.
pyromaniac and I also made a sweet dartgun with a bottle and the nerf valve. thats how we started working together.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:34 pm
by rl93
My first gun was made for me by my neighbor for my seventh birthday.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:04 pm
by pyromaniac
mopherman wrote:About 2 years ago, i took apart and old nerf gun to see how they worked and i used those parts to make a 2l bottle launcher. My parents thought i was smart so i got to keep on spudding till this day.
pyromaniac I also made a sweet dartgun with a bottle and the nerf valve. thats how we started working together.
mopher so you know you did this a year ago. maybe a year and a half ago. not 2 yrs.
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:08 pm
by VH_man
Morpherman, thats kinda funny. im using a nerf valve in my latest cannon, the FAGAR. ill post it eventually...... shoots airsoft bb's REALLY FAST!
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:25 pm
by A-98
I had been making minis for years, and i always got bored with them after about a day. one day last year i was browsing the intarwebz and i came across spudfiles and spudtech. soon afterward i made my first combustion, then burned off an eyebrow. i decided that i didnt like combustions anymore. about a month later i made my first pnuematic cannon. since then ive been a pnuematic man, but ive been a bit short on cash, so ive only built 4 cannons, but i plan to working all summer and go on a binge. hybrid, piston valve, QEV....and a pellet gun (im going to be broke again come september. so far i can count on spending almost $1000 on cannons, rifle, iPhone....sigh)
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:23 pm
by mopherman
pyromaniac wrote:mopherman wrote:About 2 years ago, i took apart and old nerf gun to see how they worked and i used those parts to make a 2l bottle launcher. My parents thought i was smart so i got to keep on spudding till this day.
pyromaniac I also made a sweet dartgun with a bottle and the nerf valve. thats how we started working together.
mopher so you know you did this a year ago. maybe a year and a half ago. not 2 yrs.
wow, i thought it was 2. meh whatever
Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:50 pm
by turbohacker