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LRC-150 Mobile Spud Assault Unit
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:14 pm
by Binder17
A Propane/MAPP golf ball cannon with 6"X17" chamber and 10 foot golf ball barrel. Can shoot a golf ball up to 1500 yards at 580 fps. Has a 4 inch fan blade mounted on an old power wheels motor. Uses the ignition coil out of a car to fire.
Video Links:
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:18 pm
by TwitchTheAussie
Mate I envy you. That is a great cannon and a nice quad. Nice one mate are you gonna paint it?
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:18 pm
by spudthug
i have seen this somewhere on the internet before...
this is one big ass monster combustion...its kick ass!!!! that thing is really loud...what is charging up before u shoot??
wait is this urs? becasue u neever said any specs or anything about it or how long it took u to build it.. so i was jsut wondering..
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:20 pm
by Fnord
Wait, is this a hybrid or something? where are you getting 580 psi from?(edit sorry somehow I misread fps as psi)
I doubt you're really getting 1500 yards; I have a gun about half that size that only does 250 or so.
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:25 pm
by Binder17
Fnord, that's 580 FPS. It will shoot over a half mile before hitting the ground on a perfect day. NOthing is charging up before ignition, that is the chamber fan mixing the fuel and air. And I have already painted, just no pics yet.
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:30 pm
by Fnord
(see my edit^)
Sorry I can't watch the video due to dialup. I guess 1500 yards is possible, it just seems kinda far for a golfball to go(wind resistance and all).
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:39 pm
by sandman
1500 yards
thats 6 drives for me, lol
im wondering bout your meter, it looks like there is no pressure gauge on the meter itself, but is that a regulator on the MAPP bottle
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 7:59 pm
by Binder17
Regulator is on the MAPP bottle
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 3:48 am
by Hotwired
1500m and a half mile ain't really the same thing.
About 700m difference I'd say.
I'd go with the half mile personally, a whole mile is a hell of a long way.
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 4:14 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
i have seen this somewhere on the internet before
On this same forum actually,
Why did you re-post it?
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:45 am
by mark.f
Wait, why did you repost it Karpa?
And the 1500 yards things doesn't hold a lot of water. Even half-a-mile is really too much.
With GGDT as my external ballistics program, using a muzzle velocity of 580 fps and a Cd of between .2-.3, launch angle configured for optimum considering the velocity and drag coefficient, I'm getting no more than 1500 FEET. That's 500 yards or so.
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:26 pm
by sandman
Hotwired wrote:a whole mile is a hell of a long way.
63360 inches, why i know that, who knows. Anyway i thought i saw this cannon before.
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 4:26 pm
by Binder17
I didn't repost it. I'm just posting it in the showcase section of the forum since I just realized it existed.
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 4:45 pm
by VH_man
MarkHFq: remember that GGDT does not take into account the fluid dynamics involved in the flying projectile. the golf ball has little divits that technically should give it a backspin, causing longer range. thats why golfers can hit the ball so far. its not because they hit it really hard, its because of the backspin.......... i can hit 250 yards without putting ANY power into the club (well some, but alot less than i can do)....
plus, 500 yards is quite a bit................. it takes me about 20 minutes or more to swim that far.........., and aobut 2:00 to row that far...........
Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:41 pm
by SpudBlaster15
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