My First Combustion (more or less)
Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:37 am
Greetings everyone!
The name's Dan... DirtyDan if you prefer. This is, as I am somewhat reluctant to say, my first post here in the forums. Seeing as how it's summer time once again and I'm currently jobless and waiting to start college life later next month I've elected to give my once-dead spudgun hobby another go...
I'd love to say that this was my first cannon, but sadly that isn't the case. My first was a rather crude and devastatingly simple, bare-bones combustion (you know, the kind you see the kids playing with on YouTube...). After some underwhelming performances with that gun I thought that perhaps spudding wasn't for me, but after some time spent perusing sites such as BurntLatke and of course the plethora of info provided by SpudFiles, I figured I'd burn up some graduation money and give it another go with my newly acquired knowledge and try to make my first moderately advanced combustion spudgun.
It turned out to be a very difficult yet rewarding experience to say the least. Trying to sift through all the information out there on C:B ratios, propane injection, chamber fans, and ignition sources and attempting to make sense of it all was needless to say a little intimidating, but within a couple of days (using some plans I found somewhere in these vast forums) I was somewhat complete with my new gun. I was however, extremely displeased with its performance. That is, until I installed my fan (which I had been dreading to put it, having never soldered a wire in my life). I'm happy to say it functions quite well; both my friends and I were amazed at how much performance such a small thing could provide.
So right now I get a pretty consistent 175 yards or so with an often ear-ringing noise that the neighbors don't much appreciate. I'm still unsure about the amount of propane I'm using (I use two metered shots of about 65psi with an 8" meter pipe and the chamber is a little over 5000mL if I remember correctly). I'm not really sure how much distance I should be expecting with this setup so I dunno whether or not I'm doing something wrong, so if any of you who bothered to read all this have any suggestions as to what I can do to increase performance with this rig I'd greatly appreciate it as I'm still pretty new to the whole spudgun world.
anyhow, here are some specs for the gun:
5000mL Chamber
2"x64" Barrel (a bit longer than the one pictured)
3/8"x8" meter pipe
80mm 12v PC fan (running 9v cuz im a noob at electronics)
BBQ igniter (only one spark gap)
and a very crudely attached green laser sight
EDIT: earlier I posted that my chamber was 1500mL... not sure why I typed that... my chamber is in fact approximately 5000mL... I know I know... pretty drastic typo.
The name's Dan... DirtyDan if you prefer. This is, as I am somewhat reluctant to say, my first post here in the forums. Seeing as how it's summer time once again and I'm currently jobless and waiting to start college life later next month I've elected to give my once-dead spudgun hobby another go...
I'd love to say that this was my first cannon, but sadly that isn't the case. My first was a rather crude and devastatingly simple, bare-bones combustion (you know, the kind you see the kids playing with on YouTube...). After some underwhelming performances with that gun I thought that perhaps spudding wasn't for me, but after some time spent perusing sites such as BurntLatke and of course the plethora of info provided by SpudFiles, I figured I'd burn up some graduation money and give it another go with my newly acquired knowledge and try to make my first moderately advanced combustion spudgun.
It turned out to be a very difficult yet rewarding experience to say the least. Trying to sift through all the information out there on C:B ratios, propane injection, chamber fans, and ignition sources and attempting to make sense of it all was needless to say a little intimidating, but within a couple of days (using some plans I found somewhere in these vast forums) I was somewhat complete with my new gun. I was however, extremely displeased with its performance. That is, until I installed my fan (which I had been dreading to put it, having never soldered a wire in my life). I'm happy to say it functions quite well; both my friends and I were amazed at how much performance such a small thing could provide.
So right now I get a pretty consistent 175 yards or so with an often ear-ringing noise that the neighbors don't much appreciate. I'm still unsure about the amount of propane I'm using (I use two metered shots of about 65psi with an 8" meter pipe and the chamber is a little over 5000mL if I remember correctly). I'm not really sure how much distance I should be expecting with this setup so I dunno whether or not I'm doing something wrong, so if any of you who bothered to read all this have any suggestions as to what I can do to increase performance with this rig I'd greatly appreciate it as I'm still pretty new to the whole spudgun world.
anyhow, here are some specs for the gun:
5000mL Chamber
2"x64" Barrel (a bit longer than the one pictured)
3/8"x8" meter pipe
80mm 12v PC fan (running 9v cuz im a noob at electronics)
BBQ igniter (only one spark gap)
and a very crudely attached green laser sight
EDIT: earlier I posted that my chamber was 1500mL... not sure why I typed that... my chamber is in fact approximately 5000mL... I know I know... pretty drastic typo.