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Spudinator's Hybrid

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:34 am
<div align="center">SPUDINATOR HYBRID

Provided By - Spudinator

Took out the good ol' shopping cart turret from my old dual chamber sprinkler gun and mounted my hybrid on it. it has everything including racks for barrels, bins for ammo, bins for burst discs, a battery for the compressor, switch for the compressor, the entire works. now all I need to do is shorten my spark gap, its not sparking every time. The only downfall to this thing is it weighs in at about equal to a Buick. I can hardly lift the front up where the battery is without straining myself more than I should, but thats what wheels are for.

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The gun in its entirety

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Here you can see most of the operating switches and buttons

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Here is the fuel meter, and as you can see, it is integreated into the mounting of the gun, for a very sleek looking meter

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Here is the ignition button

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The switch for the compressor

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This is something I call the "BurstBin" for holding burst discs in an easy to reach place

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This picture shows a lot fo the guns pressurising and fueling systems, the hose connects from the comopressor and fuel meter to the gun. when fuel is metered, it does not go directly to the gun, but into the hose, when the comperssor is turned on, it purges all propane from the hose into the gun, along with air

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There's the igniter tucked under everything

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Here is the big rats nest of wires and hoses, its even worse at the back of it though.

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This is a ball valve for releasing any misfires, if any, and with the male hose connector, it also serves as the air inlet for using the gun as a burst disc pnuematic

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Battery for the compressor

Provided By - Spudinator</div>

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:22 pm
by Mac_User
That is incredible. In fact, this has to be the most inventive hybrid pneumatic cannon i've ever seen! I would just have to suggest that you find a better way to transport it around! :D

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:35 pm
by crazy jap
can you say towed artillery

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:28 pm
by nabu92
awsome!, did u jack that shopping card from publix? jk.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:36 am
by taz22
just a question what are the diferends between hybrids and pneumatics and combustions?? i no the diferends between pneumatics an combustion buth dont know what a hybrid is

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:28 am
by boilingleadbath
Taz, check the wiki.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 4:36 pm
by K40T1C
yes nabu i expect he did since i dont know anybody that has bought a shopping cart so i would assume he found one abandoned so he took it.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:48 pm
by Spudinator
LOL no I didnt steal the shopping cart from anywhere, I bought it at a garage sale for $3, really lucky find. An hour with an angle grinder and I came out with that.

Thanks for the comments guys, I appreciate them!

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 11:49 am
by Andrew52
well id never have to buy one in my bum ridden town theres shopping carts everywhere in the rivers on the side of the road lol but i here new ones are like 100 dollars so best not steal one

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:31 pm
by )DEMON(
when i look at that cannon 'oooooooooo' is the first word that comes to mind