attaching barrels to chambers.
I attached 8mmID copper barrel into my 20mm pvc barrel. I made a pvc sheet to fit into the 20mm barrel, then drilled a hole for the copper pipe. I then added about 2cm of epoxy glue to secure it in. I then did the same thing near the end of the barrel. It works fine, wouldn't trust it for high pressure for a long period of time, but it works fine for my 100psi rifle.
I attached 8mmID copper barrel into my 20mm pvc barrel. I made a pvc sheet to fit into the 20mm barrel, then drilled a hole for the copper pipe. I then added about 2cm of epoxy glue to secure it in. I then did the same thing near the end of the barrel. It works fine, wouldn't trust it for high pressure for a long period of time, but it works fine for my 100psi rifle.
Failure to plan is planning to fail.
The 7 P's - Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance
The 7 P's - Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance
What type of estimate? I'm in Australia. Mine was a 3/8" OD barrel from Auto One, it cost me about $20 for 3 feet.f.c wrote:i kind of get you're idea. epoxy was my original idea but i didn't know how reliable it would be. does anyone know and estimate on 8mm pipe in australia ?
Failure to plan is planning to fail.
The 7 P's - Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance
The 7 P's - Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance