*** ENOMI ***
the vortext block is a 2" pipe with the bottom capped on, i lathed a vortext block from a solid pipe of pipe, did all the holes and that myself, then i connected a 1/4" air hose to the bottom of the block so the air would be fed directly into in for a less loss of air going out the sides, then the block was epoxy glued into the 2" threaded end cap so that if repairs were ever necisarry it could be taken off and repaired as needed. the hose itself is all 1/4", 200 psi rated hose. it runs from the aircompressor connector up the center piece takes a left and runs down the barrel, then has a 90 degree 1/4" fitting that connects it to the blowgun trigger, and then the hose wraps back around past where it first started and up the 90 degree elbow and directly into the vortext block. where the .178 ID aluminum barrel inserted with a beveled end so the bb's can fall in easier.
Looks like, MS paint maybe? Just kidding, I didn't know you used someone elses idea, too, as mine was based off of the ultimate inline. Why did you paint yours orange? I have nothing against orange, actually my favorite color, but why orange?
I wish I had a better signature...
its actually cherry red, the shitty camera made it look orrange dono why.
looks better in person
looks better in person