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Work so far . . . totally portable bbmg

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 4:17 am
by revans
I decided for my next project to make a bbmg and since I don't have an air compressor and have no plans to buy one I been trying to make a fully portable one that runs off a bike pump. I got the idea for a pump from kangsta's bbmg as well as kash munni's and having been trying to integrate it into the design, sort of in a super-soaker kind of way (you know, pump under barrel, pump away then fire). I reckon it should turn out pretty good, not being quite as ghetto as the creations that inspired it :wink: assuming that it will actually work :lol: This is what I've got so far, you'll probably need to enlarge it to read the labels, sorry.
I'm in the process of getting the last couple bits and pieces before I really finish it off. Just looking for any opinions or comments or suggestions to see what you guys think before its done and dusted. Cheers.

EDIT: In case anyone wants to know its made of 20mm (3/4") and 25mm (1") pressure pvc. The thicker bits (handle, bb reservoir, lower chamber) are 25mm and the thinner bits (main chamber section, top section) are 20mm.

ALSO: Is there any kind of limit on how long a bb barrel should be? I remember from somewhere that: longer barrel = faster velocity, slower rof and vice versa (I *think*).

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 4:41 am
by MrCrowley
Looks good, not sure how well it will work though.

BTW, where did you get that barrel from? :)
Been looking all over. Did you order it from Acorn Models?

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 4:52 am
by Carlman
MrCrowley wrote:Looks good, not sure how well it will work though.

BTW, where did you get that barrel from? :)
Been looking all over. Did you order it from Acorn Models?
i get mine from a hobby shop in ausland, all of the hobby shops have it here.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 3:55 pm
by revans
Yeah barrel was from Acorn Models. I pretty sure it was 9/32" round brass tube, the one I got was 36" long so enough for at least 2 or 3 barrels.

I also don't really mind if it doesn't go crazy good, as long as it shoots bbs. If its not powerful then I can shoot people for harmless fun :wink:

Edits @ Crowley: More to the point, do you think it will work at all? (please say yes :lol:)

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 4:32 pm
by MrCrowley
You'll probably get one decent burst of about a second or two before it will start dribbling out.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 4:46 pm
by revans
All good, just need to keep pumping :D Its not like I want to use it in an airsoft thing like some people on here do. It's just a cool project to make, so as long as it works I'll be happy.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:51 am
by dudeman508
I think you could get more that one burst, becouse i made a 120psi bike pump gun before i got a compresor

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:58 am
by Carlman
dudeman508 wrote:I think you could get more that one burst, becouse i made a 120psi bike pump gun before i got a compresor
and your point is..

he will not get more than a few bursts as vortex style bbmgs take a lot of air to run.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:04 pm
by Brian the brain
A second of bbbrrpp
is enough when it comes to airsoft battles.

That will take out your opponent.And you can still pump some more after that, should be a lot of fun!