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Basic single shot bb gun???
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 2:19 am
by Hannoc
G'day everyone,
I am new to this forum and airsoft/bb guns. I had a chance to play with an airsoft pistol last year when I was on holidays in the U.S. but I didn't bring it back to Aus for fear of getting caught.
The main reason I wan to make a BB gun is for my interest in High Speed photography. (check out my Flickr page for some of my photos ) At the moment I have pop water bombs with a glove gun and bbs but I want something that has the power to put hots thru cans, smash glass bottle, light globes and maybe even go thru wood etc. You know more carnage
to catch on film.
So I have come up with 2 very basic designs to shot 6mm BBs see pic.
Do either of these stand a chance of inflicting any damage? Please let me know what you think, any info would be great. If I am headed in the wrong direction please feel free to point the way.
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 2:32 am
by XxtriviumxX
The bottom cannon will work... and will inflict reasonable carnage...
Though it would be referred to as an "inline" and would be better suited in the pneumatics discussions.
I would go for the bottom design, the blowgun would be more useful with a solenoid valve or piston cannon.
EDIT: Oh and dont forget to consider the C:B (chamber : barrel) ratio... What you want is a C:B ratio of 0.8:1, but 1:1 should be fine... The chamber volume on your design is a bit overkill.
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 2:33 am
by Carlman
hey mate im also in aussie land!
i made a single shot 1/8" (2.5mm) bb gun with a blowgun and tentpole barrel and had some great fun.
heres a link:
i have now moved on to a 300psi 6mm qev gun of which i will post a picture later. this can shoot plastic beads, lead split shot and metal bbs through cans, plywood and alot of other stuff.
what you have designed there will work but i suggest putting a 25mm ballvalve before the blowgun so you can have multi shot, like open and close BV then fire.
Ill update this post later with a photo of my newest bb gun.
Another sugestion i have is build a cloud or vortex BBMG and capture that in slow motion, that would be awsome
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:03 am
by ghostman01
XxtriviumxX, this is a bb gun design so no it should stay here because as much as it is an inline its bb caliber. Hannoc, those airsoft guns are great fun arent they, i to had the opportunity to play with them as well when i went to the US, what i would suggest doing is making a high pressure bb gun using a piston valve made outta small air fittings and gas fittings ( watch out for different threads) and use the same breech idea as carlman did. you should by rights get decent power.
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:23 am
by Carlman
heres pics of my above mentioned bb gun:
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:56 am
by ghostman01
wow that looks umm decent !! very nice
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:01 am
by Hannoc
Thank for the input guys,
Carlmans breech idea is cool, as for the QEV gun it looks cool but I have no idea how that work
ajdevi92, Have been searching for info on piston valves, but there is so much info I am a bit confused, do you know a good to start so I can get an understanding of how they work?
While I am at work tomorrow I will be on the look out for anything in the workshop that my be useful
,we have heaps of air and gas fittings in the store.
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:07 am
by ghostman01
umm im sure if you search piston valves and look through the pneumatic discussions theres a few explainatorys in there, i would start by getting a T fitting.
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:17 am
by XxtriviumxX
Take a look at the spudwiki... it should explain things for you.
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:20 am
by MrCrowley
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:29 am
by Antonio
nice slowmotion pics you got there:)
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:45 am
by Hannoc
ajdevi92 I didnt me to be a pain, I did do a search for piston valves and I got like 13000 hits, after going thru a few I just got confused by some of the diagrams and explenations
XxtriviumxX and
MrCrowley, I now have alot of good info to work with.
ant glad you liked them.