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Attaching the Blowgun

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:45 am
by littlebro05
Hey guys again... i've just finished constructing the air tank for my BBMG, it's got the schrader and elbow and 1.5L coke bottle reinforced with electrical tape XD (i'll have a picture up tomorrow i hope, the epoxy is still drying). I've pumped it up to 80psi before i stopped pumping it since i was doing it indoors... kinda dangerous i know but i was wearing goggles in case...

anyway i realised that when i've been looking at all the other BBMGs, the blow gun was placed "upside down" not in a gun trigger way, but i was wondering if there is any difficulty in attaching it and which way is easier to avoid leaks off the blowgun. Apicture will show down below


Edit: How big does the vortex block have to be in millimetres because i was planning to use a 33mm coupling with a 25mm coupling, + screw on cap and stuff, just curious so i don't have to buy a metre of pvc lol.
Anyone that can offer advice on this matter please?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:20 pm
by blind909
It has to go upside down, since the valve inside the blowgun only will seale if your air source is connected to the 1/4 inch npt threads, and as for the bottle rienforced with electrical tape, if the bottle bursts, it will do the same, if you really want to reinforce it, get an old pair of jeans, and cut out part of the legs, then wrap it around your bottle, that way, if it ruptures, you will not be harmed.
-James M.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:45 pm
by Carlman
blind909 wrote:if you really want to reinforce it, get an old pair of jeans, and cut out part of the legs, then wrap it around your bottle, that way, if it ruptures, you will not be harmed.
-James M.
wrong, well for pvc anyway they did tests it still sends shrapnel everywhere.


Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:06 pm
by littlebro05
Ok this is my progress on my gun so far...


This was what i was planning to do if put it up the first option on the post above... I was going to put a tube that almost perfectly fits the blow gun and O ring both sides of the tube (the pen tube is just for explanation, but will not be naked in the final product), and epoxy it.

then after that put another aluminium tube on the top which the same procedure, almost fits with o ring on bottom, epoxy it.


well the first idea will be something the like but, i need to sand down the elbow piece on the tip so it can fit in the bottome of the blow gun.

Well anything bad what i've done so far?