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Inline/T BBMG Hybrid?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 12:39 am
by lolololwut
So i after looking at this forum for a while I've finally decided to build my first bbmg. I have a lot of the parts ready and waiting i just need to decide on a final design. I like the spring fed idea of the inline vortex style bbmg's but i also like the potentially massive ammo capacity of the T style ones.
(sorry if i'm being ignorant but it seems to me that ammo capacity of a inline bbmg is limited by its length not quite so much as the T style ones which have the ammo hopper on top and barrel on bottom) So here is my idea. Its basically a T style BBMG with a spring and plunger. Here's what i mean:


So general thought, ideas, improvements, pointers anything would be much appreciated, thanks.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:39 pm
by mega_swordman
Looks good. My suggestion would be to have another cleanout cap near the back so you can load the bbs without having to remove the spring constantly.

Also, I believe this belongs in the discussion not the showcase.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:54 pm
by FishBoy
looks pretty good, I would cut the bb side of the plunger at an angle so that when you start to run low, it will be pushing the bbs more down than into the back of mag. (I can clarify if this is confusing)

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:23 pm
by Lentamentalisk
From the title I though you were talking about shooting bbs out of a hybrid (ie: hooking up your standard bbmg to a hybrid combustion chamber rather than a continuous air source.) Now that would be awesome...

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:56 pm
by Ragnarok
Lentamentalisk wrote:Now that would be awesome...
If you have a spare machine shop and a wallet that needs slimming, get in contact with me, you can provide the resources for my design for the hybrid BBMG. :roll:

This design looks interesting enough. T-style vortexes have gone out of fashion, but there is nothing to stop you still building them - and you've clearly done your research.

It looks good to me - go for it.