Sub Machine Gun
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 7:56 pm
<div align="center">SUB MACHINE GUN
Provided By Lucky13 - <a href="">ht ... atohell</a>
This is my version of the Strafer Sub-machine gun. The 2in T in the back and the entire 1in pipe on the top hold the BB's. The actual barrel is 3ft. long and sits inside the lower 1in. pipe. It's capable of shooting thousands of BB's per minute. The power source is an air compressor which connects to the bottom of the rear grip, just below the trigger.
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These are pictures of the vortex cup. It sits at the bottom of the 2in T and is what makes fully automatic shooting possible. BB's enter through the 3/4in whole towards the top and air from the bottom spins the BB's in the vortex cup and throws themm out the front and down the barrel.
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Provided By Lucky13 - <a href="">ht ... l</a></div>
Provided By Lucky13 - <a href="">ht ... atohell</a>
This is my version of the Strafer Sub-machine gun. The 2in T in the back and the entire 1in pipe on the top hold the BB's. The actual barrel is 3ft. long and sits inside the lower 1in. pipe. It's capable of shooting thousands of BB's per minute. The power source is an air compressor which connects to the bottom of the rear grip, just below the trigger.
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These are pictures of the vortex cup. It sits at the bottom of the 2in T and is what makes fully automatic shooting possible. BB's enter through the 3/4in whole towards the top and air from the bottom spins the BB's in the vortex cup and throws themm out the front and down the barrel.
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Provided By Lucky13 - <a href="">ht ... l</a></div>