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Spring airsoft design

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:46 pm
by Demon
trust me, your hooked and you will never return.
This guy is right...

I am fighting between electronics and throwing speed at high velocity...

And i want to end this eternal fight by making what i always wanted to make, a cheap, easely reloaded and that shoots far...
The best option is spring, because i dont like pumping at each time...

My main question is for my barrel: It is 6.3 mm of diameter, is it enough or it wont be able to shoot bb's well?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 6:43 pm
by Davidvaini
6.3mm is extremely oversized for Airsoft BBs.

That is simply way too much blowby for the BBs.

I actually wouldn't recommend anything over 6.14mm for use with Airsoft BBs.

A regular airsoft barrel is 6.08-6.14mm, while a tightbore airsoft barrel is 6.01-6.05mm.
6.3mm has 5% blowby which is simply not effective.

.3mm oversize is huge when talking about smaller sizes (6mm)

I have seen some people have 1/4" barrels which has 5.8% blowby and its just atrocious how crappy performance it gets in comparison to even a regular airsoft barrel(6.14).

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 2:34 pm
by jonnyboy
Same concerns as david but also I have a feeling that after extended use your spring lock is going to round off thus causing premature shooting (lulz). Also I don't think an airsoft gun deserves a tasco scope.

What about loading?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:47 pm
by PaulsAirsoftArmory
I'm back on the forum!!

Yeah, 6.3mm wouldn't get anything done. As for the other concern about premature firing, I would suggest making the locking position longer and/or making it into a "J" shape to really lock it in place.

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:24 pm
by Technician1002
I am fighting between electronics and throwing speed at high velocity...
You are in the right place. I combined the two. :D ... rim+method