has anyone ever tryed to make a burst shotgun?
Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 2:49 am
Hi everyone, I've been a lurker for a while and decided that I finally have an idea worth posting. I have been working on a shotgun that will fire a burst of airsoft bb's, preferably in the range of anywhere from 30-100 bbs. I started with this idea http://www.boltsniper.com/BS-3/BS3.htm but the problem was that I couldn't get the shells to eject properly, so now I've been redesigning the whole thing to be shell-less, and also semi-automatic (one trigger pull= one burst/shot fired). so what I have right now is something like this. (sorry about the drawings, I don't have access to any pics right now. no camera)
NOTE: There is a mechanism in the barrel that holds the bb's in until enough pressure lets then be pushed past it. this keeps the bb's from rolling out of the front of the barrel if/when it is pointed down.
Also, this is going to be used for AIRSOFT bb's ONLY, and I will test this on myself before I use it in a game, and will double-check with the reffs before any games, to make sure that they think it is safe to use on the field that I play at.
= --Bolt
-- --outer piece of pvc and barrel
+ -- plugs on end of pipe and bolt stop
O -- O-ring to seal barrel and bolt
* -- empty space
So this is how the gun would be when at rest and with no air
---------------------------------------------------bb's enter here---
+++ = ******spring**********(spring stop) **************+++++
+****======================== *****************O-------
-->air in =+blocked+= mesh******************barrel
+****======================== *****************O-------
+++ = ******spring**********(spring stop) **************+++++
And this would be the gun with the trigger pulled and air running through it (as long as the trigger is held down, there is going to be air flowing through the barrel). The bolt is pushed forward and seals off the loading tube/mag/whatever gets put there. As the bolt gets pushed all the way forward air is allowed through the forward holes and down the barrel, pushing the bb's down and out of the gun in a single blast.
---------------------------------------------------bb's enter here---
+++*******************=spring(spring stop)**************+++++
+********************* ========================O-------
-->air in =+blocked+= ************mesh******************barrel
+********************* ========================O-------
+++*******************=spring(spring stop)**************+++++
When the trigger is let up, the airflow stops and the bolt is pushed back to it's staring position, allowing bb's to drop into the chamber.
I plan on running this on regulated co2 with a paintball tank and a palmer stabilizer. My main questions for you guys is, in your opinion, would this work? and how can I improve it? maybe make it selectable (full or semi)? I have tried brainstorming over this and have had no ideas on how to get this to work. I don't have any advanced tools, just some basic hand tools and woodworking equipment. Sorry if this is to long, I tried to get it as short as I could without losing any of the information.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance,
(I'll try to get pics up if I ever get a camera)
NOTE: There is a mechanism in the barrel that holds the bb's in until enough pressure lets then be pushed past it. this keeps the bb's from rolling out of the front of the barrel if/when it is pointed down.
Also, this is going to be used for AIRSOFT bb's ONLY, and I will test this on myself before I use it in a game, and will double-check with the reffs before any games, to make sure that they think it is safe to use on the field that I play at.
= --Bolt
-- --outer piece of pvc and barrel
+ -- plugs on end of pipe and bolt stop
O -- O-ring to seal barrel and bolt
* -- empty space
So this is how the gun would be when at rest and with no air
---------------------------------------------------bb's enter here---
+++ = ******spring**********(spring stop) **************+++++
+****======================== *****************O-------
-->air in =+blocked+= mesh******************barrel
+****======================== *****************O-------
+++ = ******spring**********(spring stop) **************+++++
And this would be the gun with the trigger pulled and air running through it (as long as the trigger is held down, there is going to be air flowing through the barrel). The bolt is pushed forward and seals off the loading tube/mag/whatever gets put there. As the bolt gets pushed all the way forward air is allowed through the forward holes and down the barrel, pushing the bb's down and out of the gun in a single blast.
---------------------------------------------------bb's enter here---
+++*******************=spring(spring stop)**************+++++
+********************* ========================O-------
-->air in =+blocked+= ************mesh******************barrel
+********************* ========================O-------
+++*******************=spring(spring stop)**************+++++
When the trigger is let up, the airflow stops and the bolt is pushed back to it's staring position, allowing bb's to drop into the chamber.
I plan on running this on regulated co2 with a paintball tank and a palmer stabilizer. My main questions for you guys is, in your opinion, would this work? and how can I improve it? maybe make it selectable (full or semi)? I have tried brainstorming over this and have had no ideas on how to get this to work. I don't have any advanced tools, just some basic hand tools and woodworking equipment. Sorry if this is to long, I tried to get it as short as I could without losing any of the information.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance,
(I'll try to get pics up if I ever get a camera)