Need Basic cloud plans. ... ud_chamber
Wiki is your friend! Next time if you need something general, check there first. Welcome to spud files.
Wiki is your friend! Next time if you need something general, check there first. Welcome to spud files.
<a href=" ... 63">How-To: Build a cloud BB machine gun</a>
[SpudTech Archive - Originally posted by DR]
These are just plans, but I think both giving you conceptual documentation, and a actual instance of theory being put into practice will help you understand. Also just for your future benefit I might suggest you just thumb threw the SpudTech archives stickies. Although in large part they don't pertain to BBMG, there is a lot of general information found there. As always, the best of luck.
[SpudTech Archive - Originally posted by DR]
These are just plans, but I think both giving you conceptual documentation, and a actual instance of theory being put into practice will help you understand. Also just for your future benefit I might suggest you just thumb threw the SpudTech archives stickies. Although in large part they don't pertain to BBMG, there is a lot of general information found there. As always, the best of luck.