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Full Auto Airsoft Rifle (Inline Vortex)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 6:36 pm
by Davidvaini
Hey everyone!

First time post; long time lisenter..

Currently where I live airsoft is HUGE! I mean guys are walkin around with tokyo mauri rifles with mods and everything! I however have a problem.... I don't have a gun; so I have to borrow my friends cheap walmart pistol... I do really well against everyone else even though the borrowed guns suck a lot!

Im really stubborn about buying guns.. I mean.. id rather make them myself!

So after looking around the net I found the Ultimate Inline Mark II.. I was simply amazed! So I decided I have to make one!

So I visited one of the Airsoft Stores around here and I found out a guy has made an inline vortex but he uses a 3/4" pvc pipe as the barrel and its not powerful or accurate.. he said however it shoots a hell of alot of BB's per seccond! So my question to you guys is.. If I use an actual Airsoft barrel, whould I still get he accuracy and distance im lookin for?

Anyways I plan on making it like the UKMK II with the plunger to allow firing from any direction, and of course a backpack with a 5lb bottle and a regulator...

So any ideas for distance and accuracy?

any help would be greatly appreciated..

Thank you

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 6:50 pm
by hi
yes if you used an acctual barrel you would get more speed and still get about 50 rounds per second. it would also be much more acuracy than with a 3/4'' barrel.

if you really want to play airsoft with it, they you will need a co2 set up, which includes a regulator.

ps- ill be nice about it and tell you that you posted this in the wrong section. this is where you post an acctual bb gun. post it here when you accually build it. this should have gone in bb descussion, not show case.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 6:52 pm
by Mac/pistol man
Well first off, this post should be in BBMG/Strafer Discussion, but who cares...
Well, he prolly meant he uses the 3/4 inch pvc as an outer barrel, just for looks. Because an airsoft bb is only 6mm. Most people (Not saying all), use something like a 1/4 inch brakeline as a barrel, and is plenty accurate. But all the outer barrel is for, is looks, and protection of the inner barrel, no bbs actually go through the outer barrel, only the inner. Look at a couple different BBMGs to see the concept, it should help.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 7:15 pm
by origin unknown
Make sure your whole gun is sealed up with no air leakage. Air leakage can affect the performance of your gun, but not drastically, which I have found out after building my inline vortex. When I shoot my vortex gun, the BBs will eventually spread out at about 30 feet away, making it very easy to hit moving targets with.


Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 7:24 pm
by Davidvaini
Well im not exactly sure what he uses.. but the guy at the shop said that was his actual barrel.. that way it doesnt jam...

and im sorry for posting it in the wrong section.. im glad you pointed that out and im also glad you wernt rude about it..

so do you think this gun will shoot 100+ feet? I dont want to build this if its only gonna be good for indoor enviroments... After all.. all of the videos ive seen have been indoor

EDIT: Im going to be carrying around a 5lb bottle of Co2 with a regulator in a backpack.. its gonna be connected via hose to the handle of the gun... exactly like the UIMK II

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 7:35 pm
by hi
home made bb guns are faster, more reliable, and overall way better than store bought ones.

it will never jam because the only moving part are the bb's them selfs. it will be good for ranges much greater than normal AEG's. it will cost about the same, but will serve you much better.

my guess is that you can hit a human target at around 200 feet without trouble. if you get an adjustable regulator (which most are) , then you can adjust the FPS (feet per second) as much as you want. you could use it at 50 psi or you could use it at 100 psi, it up to you. you can make it shoot at 100 feet per second, or you can make it shoot at 450 fps, its totally up to you.

one thing to look out for is that it is very easy to make one that is too powerful. you just have to go out and build it and experiment with it.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 7:41 pm
by origin unknown
It will work either way, inside or out. It will definately shoot 100+ feet, but at that distance it would be even better. Your spread would be so large you could eliminate a whole airsoft squad! Look at how a real flamethrower shoots, your gun will have just about the same effect. Put threads on your airsoft barrel, so it can be removed on the spot if your gun jams. If you use cheap BBs with your gun, it might jam a little. Just stick to better quality BBs and you will be just fine.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 8:26 pm
by Davidvaini
Alright guys thanks for the info..

Just to give you an idea of what i was thinkin.. I made a model...



and just for a lil clarification..


EDIT: The Reason why I have a main hull.. is so If I run out of ammo.. I can replace "mags".. Im guessin im gonna go through alot of BB's so I think it would be a good idea to make mags

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 8:56 pm
by hi
very nice, may i ask what program you used to draw it?

you would probably want a barrel support because airsoft can be rough on guns somethimes.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 8:59 pm
by Davidvaini
I used google sketchup.. hahaha i know lame but it works...
oh and Im thinkin im gonna put a 1" pvc pipe around it which would fit perfectly for support.. it would also make it look like this sniper rifle in Battlefield 2


except I would add holes at the end to give it a more.... bad ass look

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 9:33 pm
by hi
good luck with that.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 9:44 pm
by Davidvaini
After messin around with sketchup.. I made a more agressive design...


This design features a more aggressive stock design and an outer shroud around the inner barrel...

btw the inline vortex is gonna be aluminium

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 9:57 pm
by origin unknown
Sorry to say, but the vortex you show is not inline. Inline means it doesn't use the T feed system, it uses a straight piece of pipe with the vortex block at the end with no T fitting. The design you show wouldn't work very well with a spring plunger either, but it would rather have to be gravity fed. Let me show you a simple inline vortex that I made. link: ... t7463.html look at the bottom most picture
I hope this helps you get what I mean.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 10:04 pm
by hi
you could just make it a cloud.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 10:09 pm
by Davidvaini
origin unknown wrote:Sorry to say, but the vortex you show is not inline. Inline means it doesn't use the T feed system, it uses a straight piece of pipe with the vortex block at the end with no T fitting.
Oh sorry.. I was shown this link on spudfiles wiki...

shows a t.... maybe someone should change that or somethin...

EDIT: i was just informed by the person that showed me the link that its not an inline vortex block.. just a normal one.... so should I do it differently then the way shown in that link?