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sprinkeler valve patheticness

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:27 pm
by sodman2k
i have been resently very dissapointed thanks to the rediculous air flow through my solonid valve that i bought from bunnings. instead of actualy shooting things it simpily blows the slug out of the barrel and it lands about 1 meter awat(3 foot). I bought the valve from Bunnings (OZ) for $20. Can anyone sugest a way to increase the airflow?

PS: Does any one have an animation of the vaulve in action or a simple diagram that shows you how the valve works? I sortta know but i am a little confused.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:43 pm
by boilingleadbath
Check the spudwiki under "diaphram valve".

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:28 pm
by theregoesthewindow
Either that or Spudtech has a good explanation here
Also you will get better performence if you pneumatically modify it, a tutorial is on this site in the theories section.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:33 pm
by cardinals08
Maybe its not the valve, maybe your barrel is too long for you chamber size.

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:40 pm
by theregoesthewindow
Good point cardinal, but you also might be pressing it like a trigger and not holding it, allowing the valve to close before the projectile has come out of the barrel

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:35 pm
by sodman2k
The valve is a 25mm. same as the barrel (1 meter length). The chamber is 40mm diameter and 1 meter long. I watched the video (great resource) but is there any other way that i could mod the valve without buying more bits? (how much would they cost BTW) Ive already spent $55 and still dont have the stock or electronics. Just using a couple of Ds that i have around and yess i leave the valve open when a attempt to fire.... still a bit confused because ive seen guns without modded valves that claim to have worked fine? :?
If this gets much more expecive i think ill just stick to the combustion cannons that i have already done.
Thanks for the help so far!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:41 pm
by cardinals08
You can mod a valve for under $10 dollars US I believe.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:28 am
by Shrimphead
Also, once you mod the valve you won't need to buy any electronics. That's why it's called pneumatic actuation.

And, the extra "bits" isn't much. All you need is:
A blowgun ($7 US)
2 threaded hose barbs ($1 US each Just a guess)
A length of hose (not necessary, but allows remote actuation and only costs a few dollars, depending on how long you want it.)\
And some teflon tape, but I just have that laying around my house.

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 10:32 pm
by rna_duelers
I brought one of those sprinkler valves from bunnings and it was realy crap!until i modded it,and its very simple to do and i did my mod for basicly no extra $$....but with the valve from bunnings it is a little harder to mod,due to the flow rate adjuster so u have to place the blow gun attachment to the side or drill out the adjuster and air the valve manualy on both sides which is kind of annoying because thats wat i have to do....dam bunnings!