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CAD design programs

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:19 pm
by Jolly Roger
Hey I've been looking round for some good CAD programs to do some layouts and design of potential launchers but I'm having alot of trouble trying to find any that are actually any good. (Without being $10000 out of pocket) AutoCAD is awesome in the way if you complete it properly you can actually add values and figures and it will show you animation of it firing, crazy stuff but yeah I'm not rich so if anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate it...

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:30 pm
by CS
[Green oval-ish fruit]Wire?

Rhino3D is really the only free one that I like. It produces really nice animations, and has a fairly user freindly text-based command line.

POV-Ray, is the only other such free program that I know of. But it is EXTREMLY hard to use I must say. Unless your a mathmatical genuis and shapes/ ideas present themselves in a numerical form, your gonna be pulling your hair out just to make something so simple as a cylinder. The reason I say this is that the work space is all text-based with no graphical reference windows. You must select a option off of a pull-down menu to view your progress. [BLB uses this free-program, and has produces some rather complicated designs, stemming far past the basic geometric shapes and orentiations along the 3 axises, X,Y, and Z. So if you feel limited while using AutoCAD or Rhino3D, hit up BLB on how to use the program.]

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:32 pm
by saladtossser
i just adapted to solidworks, i can do "simulations" and stress tests, and after i make a model, i can get an automatic orthographic drawing from it. try and get it, use the blue frog

but be warned, we, or most of us hate "the jolly roger" and the ACB, dont post anything stupid

edit: to be honest, i dont give a rats ass... and i never gave any thought into the word pimp.

and rhino isnt free, and they fixed that bug

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:37 pm
by CS
saladtossser wrote:but be warned, we, or most of us hate "the jolly roger" and the ACB, dont post anything stupid
Errr, I wouldnt start any 'sh*t flinging' over usernames [Pun semi-intended], or even recomindations after you consider your username. Although Ill agree as a person with a stupid SN, that wisely picking your SN changes in which way you are addressed by other online users.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:40 pm
by Jolly Roger
Hey cheers pimp, I'll give that rhino a go. The computer I'm on at the moment is still using dinosaur speed dial up so I'll give you a yell when I get it up and running.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:56 pm
by Atlantis
I got it from "Green Lemon"Wire, it works fine too. Just be careful of viruses, odon't download anything with a file size of 851.7 KB, it's always a virus.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:56 pm
by CS
I feel you on the dial-up... Im running WAL-MART connect dail up. Dont get much 'ghettoer' then that. Ive downloaded 500+MB programs taking over 30+ hours at times.

[Any one that contacts people of our house knows to contact us on our personal cellphones if they ever want to talk to us]

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:58 pm
by Jolly Roger
I'll try solidworks after as well tosser (jokes) and I'll compare them from a learners POV. I've only just recently turned to CAD programs to design as I've wasted so much time (and a little money) with launchers and then I go "sh*t, I really should have put barrel on the end, or, man this valves back to front..." I think it will come in handy especially with hyrbids...

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:08 pm
by Kris.Is.Awesome
I <3 my AutoCAD... :] Rhino is good too.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:49 am
by Jolly Roger
Dude I've been downloading the solidworks torrent for 3 nights now and I've only got 92mb which is only 2.5%. I think I might just stick with downloading rhinoCAD, I really wish I could get solidworks though...

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:38 am
by singularity
i got solidworks and installed it and everything (after 3 nights of downloading) i evan got the serialz everthing was going good until some message came up saying for use in uk only, so now i cant use it. so evan if it does download theres no garentee you get it to work (unless i wasted my time and downloaded the wrong thing)

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 3:33 pm
by Kris.Is.Awesome
irwinner wrote:i got solidworks and installed it and everything (after 3 nights of downloading) i evan got the serialz everthing was going good until some message came up saying for use in uk only, so now i cant use it. so evan if it does download theres no garentee you get it to work (unless i wasted my time and downloaded the wrong thing)

Shouldn't talk of warez here...

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 12:16 pm
by Jolly Roger
Hey guys sorry to kick this back up again, its 3:15 in the morning here and Im trying to figure out something in Rhino. Anyone know step by step how to snap two objects together where you want? I have two cylinders and I turn all the snap tools on and when I try to drag one centre into the centre of the other one it either doesn't move or it jumps to another random point way off... WTF? How do I snap centre to centre?? I can place it manually by zooming in, placing it, zooming in, placing it but its never perfect and I know its not meant to be done like that. Can anyone offer any help? I pulling my hair out over it...

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:49 pm
by PVC Arsenal 17
I am perplexed by rhino. but then again i only spent 5 minutes on it. How do you make a cylinder or a box from a plain square or circle?

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:04 pm
by benstern
Try using [burnt cd file format] has the best torrents.

Anyways, I can't figure out how to work autodesk inventor.