Amount of Fuel
How much fuel should I be putting into my over powered spitball launcher? The chamber is 2 and an 8th tall and is 1 inch wide. I'm also having problems getting the right amount of fuel into the chamber and having it mix with the air to make it properly combust.
Alright, heres what you do. First, put only a little spritz of whatever is ur fuel in. Like less than 1 second. Then shake it out like ur tryin to get liquid out of it (sometimes the propellent can build up on the side). After you do get a shot, blow in it or shake it to replace the oxygen that was burned up. You probably have too much fyuel in there so its not working. The reason u shake it is to get excess liquid fuel out and to put air into the mixture. hope that helps. Oh and try shooting airsoft bbs or cunks of potato (bevel your barrel and get a pushrod). Theyre more fun and go farther than spitballs