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I'm in a bad mood.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:51 am
by killagorrila99
Well this is what happens when im in a bad mood, I pick a random subject and moan about it. Im probably gunna regret this later but...

My subject is no0bs that leave after making 2 bloody posts! Woh that can get annoying, So stay, Ya hear me? they clog up the forums with nothing usefull to say but "oh ya that cannons hot" or "cna i haev plnas, Im no godo @ enlgihs?" seriously, They dont stay long enough to even learn the rules. GRRRR! Please dont join the forums if you have no intent to stay after wasting our time, Just stay on your special school bus and stick crayons up your nose, We dont want you, And take your time to learn grammar, punctuation and spelling before joining any forum on the internet, OK? God. I just felt like addressing this topic before Anyone else did. I'm just really sick of this, I mean do you ever see a mod say "woooooot wooooooooooot whats dSTat od???// iloike it alotws cna i haveee plaoins? as oit comtistion or panaumatjic?" GAHHH. This will probably get locked or deleted but I needed an outlet, My gf just broke up with me.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:59 am
by Recruit
He is right. Some bad grammer or misspelling words are ok but it is
annoying when people misspell ever second word.

Also read and learn before even joining a forum like this. Read the
spudwiki read the rules then by all means join.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 9:31 am
by Hotwired
Nothing like doing your own research and making your own plans anyway.

Its not as if theres any hugely complex bits of kit involved. In fact the main things anyone would have to learn about are ignition on a combustion and the various valves for a pneumatic.

The rest is just plumbing.

I do think excessively bad grammar should be a temp. ban offence when dealing with any kind of engineering though.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:41 am
by joannaardway
Now I have an challenge - get a mod to ask for plans to something...

Ragnarok says he'll try as well - when he joins.

Hotwired, you have a fair point, but it's flawed. Plans aren't really needed for most things when you have experience, but when you're new, everything is totally new and surprising.

I try to make every post fully legible and well structured - it's easier to read, and is to me, easier to write.

Recruit, the idea about reading the wiki is excellent, but it won't work.

Kiddy n00bs don't read the stickies, the links or anything. I'm a mod on another forum, and I know it only too well.

Adults are mature enough to read up a little, but these forums don't really attract adults much.

There's nothing we can do. We either try to make a good user out of them, or we can explode at them.

The first is more productive.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:37 pm
by Recruit
Umm excuse me I am not an adult and I ALWAYS read up on things
before opening my mouth. So I dont end up doing this -mouth insert foot-.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:04 pm
by MrCrowley
as soon as they join the forums automatically spudwiki should pop-up in a new window and you have to agree to some terms/rules on the forums before being allowed to would get rid of the people who don't have time to post more then twice or just sign up for the hell of it and it should show the people who are interested most of the answers they need to how to build a spudgun without asking us.i think spudwiki covers most things that a new person would need.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:06 pm
by SquishY
I think we may not all be adults but atleast semi-mature teenagers or young adults, I to try to make all my posts as proper as I can but hey, I'm not perfect(but I'd like to think I am). I read up quite a bit before posting and I think about what I'm about to post, also I search the forums and usually the Wiki and if no help is there my google button ain't broke. I would prerfer the attempt to make them into better users and the temporary ban on continual fucked up posts could be nice.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:14 pm
If you guys would like all new members to recieve some special tips and instructions, then some of you should team together and make a short "SpudFiles Tutorial". You may remember getting a new PM as soon as you sign up, I could make that PM say whatever to all new members.

If anyone here knows Flash, quality tutorials on how to use SpudFiles for noobs and even tutorials for experienced users (on posting images, etc)would be GREAT. There may even be small ammounts of cash (USD not spudbux) involved 8).

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:41 pm
by singularity
will html work, why do we need to know flash?

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:48 pm
Becuase a flash video will speak louder than text on a webpage.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:04 pm
by Recruit
A picture is worth a thousand words. A video is worth a hundred pictures.

That about it PCGUY?

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:21 pm
by joannaardway
Umm excuse me I am not an adult and I ALWAYS read up on things
before opening my mouth. So I dont end up doing this -mouth insert foot-.

I said Kiddy n00bs.

That was not to say that all kids are n00bs. You can be a kid without being a n00b.

The implication is that n00bs tend to be kids, rather than adults. Understand?

I think we may not all be adults but atleast semi-mature teenagers or young adults, I to try to make all my posts as proper as I can but hey, I'm not perfect(but I'd like to think I am).

We want sensible - Mature and sensible are different things.

My brother is sensible, but not mature...

Anyway, I'm still technically a teenager, being 17, but in a week and a day, I'll be 18, so an adult by definition of law.

A teenager and an adult - what fun!

To finish, I suppose I should differentiate between newbs and n00bs.

This webcomic page should help.

It's about video games, but it makes the point.

Really, we want newbs, but not n00bs. newbs may start out with some n00b qualities - but they can be filtered out.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:36 pm
by schmanman
I try, Use spell check on every post,and research before posting (if needed). Like squishy said, I may not be perfect, but I try to be as grammatically correct as I can.

(do the I's that are written like " i wnt tu home depo tu gt a sprinker valv" drive anyone else nuts? I mean I dislike posts written like that, but I just CANT STAND lowercase I's) .

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 5:57 pm
by killagorrila99
Hmmm, can I make the tutorial on how to use spudfiles? It might be another outlet for me. Moohahaha.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:22 pm
by sgort87
Betch betch betch betch.

These calls to actions last only about a couple hours. I suggest just accepting the fact that people are stupid and will always be that way.

So Joanna, I hear you're turning 18... What are you doin next weekend? Hahah, jus kiddin wif ya. Thanks, you made my day with that comic.