diaphram valve...
Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 3:10 pm
I have recently decided to make a small diaphram valve cannon. Thus, being my first diaphram cannon is the reason for the smaller size. I'm making it almost exactly to plans of the "Atom Project" cannon, with a few minor changes. It will have a 1 1/4"x 14" chamber and a 1/2"x about 13" barrel. I had a few questions about this diaphram valve that I thought you could help me with. I am going to use a threaded clean out in the back of the chamber to give me access to the diaphram just incase of some difficulties. I was wondering about the exact placement of the valve. should the diaphram be in with the threads so when the cap is screwed on, it pushes the valve against the barrel? Or should there be a gap between the cleanout coupler and the barrel? If so how big of a gap? I did a search on google to find someof the answers I had and found most on this site- http://www.thebugshop.org/othersites/ai ... ud_op.html - I was just wondering if the information presented on this site are accurate to go by. Thanks in advance for help.