Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:13 am
Also you have to differ between ethanol(your common alcohol) and methanol, a kind of alcohol which can cause anything from blindness to death. Certain alcoholic drinks such as the italian Grappa contain very large armounts of methanol and are therefore even more poisonous than drinks with beer. Home made vodka is also an alcohol which may contain large amounts of methanol. Maybe you have heard of people drinking anti freeze, same thing, i.e. sometimes when drinking certain types of alcohol you are really drinking anti freeze, not a nice thought is it?
Ethanol is also poisonous but in larger doses, if you drink eanoth beer your judjement goes off, you get over confident, first stage of intoxication. This stage is pleasent and is ussually what you aim for but it is also the time to stop. Next you will vomit and will not have proper contol over your movements, now you sould seriously stop, its not fun anymore, it feels like a proper poison now, next step is fainting, too late now to stop, if you are alone then this very dangerous. Next you fall into a coma or die. So really alcohol is pretty mean stuff and dfiantely a poison.
"Did you ever stop to think that out of the seven deadly sins envy is the only one which doesn't give the sinner even momentary pleasure"-George Will