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Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:09 am
by pbmann123
hey guys, i am one of the o,d members from spud tech, some of you may remember me many probably not. but what i want to say is who has the spud tech archives and what could we do to put up our own spudtech forum, build off the archives and just continue from there as if we wernt shut down. i miss the atmosphere, the people, the forum. i want to bring it back, money isnt really an issue, i'll pay for a server, send some dough to pcguy if you can help me but i want to bring the forums back. i want toget the old people back. D Halls, Dr, smomw, fmj, god i cant remember his name for the life of me, tonkaset washingtpn, galsups (sp) concrete pumping. you guys remember the old crew.

ne way post back and tell me how we can do it.



Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:14 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
There's quite a few folk from Spudtech here (it's FMJ under new guise btw ;) ), also DR has set up his own forum here but sadly it doesn't get much traffic as yet.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:30 am
by spanerman
iff money isnt an issue you could but spudtech off joel....

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:45 am
by mark.f
I just posted a topic on SpudCom yesterday. Traffic comes and goes, but that is the place if you want to see all the old SpudTech people.

This forum is okay as well. It's just not as small as SpudTech, so you don't necessarily know everybody.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 2:21 pm
by benstern
Is it navagator7 you thinking of?

Btw I still have the list of all the old guy's aim contacts.

good to see you again!

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:02 am
by pbmann123
good tosee you too bernstern, and yes it was nav 7 i was thinking about. when i say money isnt an issue i mean a can cough up a hundred or two a month to host a foum and rights to forum software, snitz is what we used before, correct. and yeah sure send me the list of everyone's aim contacts.

but i want it to look the same, i want that feel back and that community back. that was half the excitement of spudding was the sharing of knowledge and stories, and if i thought something spud related was cool, then i knew that 90 percent of the rest of you guys would too. that might be true here at spudfiles but, it just never felt the same to me. spud tech was my spudgun home, and i want it back.

i checked out spudcom but it seems like its floundering. dont get me wrong, dave has put ina great effort, and the knowledge is still there but it just doesnt have that feel spud tech used to have.

ne way my email adress is, so if you want to send that aim list that would be great.



Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:32 pm
Sadly most of the old SpudTech members are gone, many gone long before the SpudTech forums ever shutdown. You can find a few here under various names, and DR on DR's forum, however I have been unable to contact many old members for quite some time now. Many of them have just "grown out of the habbit" I guess.

SpudTech the business is for sale, however the forums have been handed to me. Since there was no point in running 2 separate forums about the exact same thing, I put SpudTech up as an archive since it contains so much valuable data.

I know this doesn't have the same feel as SpudTech did, sadly it's impossible to get back. The "feel" was best maybe 3-5 months before the forums were shut down, after that it started to go downhill (members leaving, forum attacks, etc).

I did everything I could to comfort the old members here (offered moderator positions, etc) but I believe that since the Snitz forum software (what SpudTech ran on) is so different (and crappy :P) than any other forum software out there, and many of the best members never visited any other forums aside from SpudTech so it is hard for them to adjust to a standard forum layout, many of them just left when the move happened.

The SpudTech forums were converted over to something more secure (phpbb) and put online and frozen forever, with a search function to browse through everything. The link can be found in the top right corner of the page, or here...

Sorry :cry:

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:15 am
by Hubb
I've tried for about thirty minutes but I have yet to find a search feature on the Spudtech Archive. Does it exist? If so where is it?

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:50 am
by Ragnarok
And I go there, and it takes 2 seconds to find...

It's on the diagonally striped blue bar at the top, under where it tells you it's just an archive - second option across from the left.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:53 am
by Hubb
Go figure. Right in my face.


Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:56 am
by Ragnarok
hubb017 wrote:Go figure. Right in my face.
Oh, I do that all the time.

Take a item of stationery or a tool, use it, put it down briefly, then only be able to find it after several minutes of intense searching... to find it in the 2nd most obvious place possible that I should have seen immediately.