Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:05 pm
Excellent plan, using magnetic sesame seeds to power the hammer valve will cure all your former problems.
Ok, just ignore that, I seem to have gone hyper for some reason. Perhaps I should turn off the selection of fight music from the Matrix films
"Mr Ragnarok, why is it that you persist?"
"Because... I just don't like you."
Yep, definitely need to turn off the music ...but that would have been a better ending to the films.
Yeah Jack, this idea looks like it should be a lot more reliable than all the old ones, but by your own logic, you'll need to cut down the required deadspace from those animations you have.
Ant's explanation makes perfect sense to me. The problem is that you are both going by different definitions of damper. Ant is going by the engineering definition, but most people think that damper is something quite different.
Dampers are strictly an element in a system that would normally under go simple harmonic motion (think about a weight on the end of a spring, bouncing up and down, that's simple harmonic motion) that will reduce the amplitude of the system's oscillations over time.
Without damping in their suspension, cars would bounce up and down along the road for some time.
When you add damping in a system, it's aim is to bring the system to an equilibrium in a shorter time (or in a critically damped system, the shortest time). Or in the case of a car, stop it bouncing around and making everyone sick.
So, damping was the wrong term in this circumstance, because it means something quite different to what was intended. I know what was intended, I just can't for the life of me think what I'd call it. Probably a retarder.
Does that thing kinda look like a big cat to you?