okay heres the deal with the new pb gun

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Wed Aug 30, 2006 5:53 am

okay... hmmmmm dinsdale i need alink to this inline regulator from a spyder pb gun.... and sergeantspud2 i think ill chuck away the idea of an apa adaptor and go with a paintball regulator that threads hpa tanks (if thats safer) also i need to figure out the rest like a trigger and a barrell and what ever else is need to complete this project...

im not goin to have a constant flow of co2 or what ever... all io want is like a hpa tank with a paint ball regulator and then that connects onto aaa??? blow gun or something and then it connects to the barrel.... and as soon as i pull in the trigger i want it to shoot the paintball out... and i will need something to stop the paintballs from rolling out

so if you could help me with a setup or some parts to add either as a trigger or barrell or something plz tell THKX
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Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:04 am

actully well is this an in-line regulator and could i use it ???

<a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/AIR-IN-LINE-REGULAT ... >(link)</a>
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Wed Aug 30, 2006 6:34 am

the first one is not high pressure enough, the second one might be but i need more info to give you an answer.

Im sure this is out of your price range for a simple gun

<a href="http://www.actionvillage.com/is-bin/INT ... >(link)</a>

but that is the kind of setup you need.
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Wed Aug 30, 2006 8:09 pm

I just checked it out and I was wrong, my spyder is not regulated down to 125 psi, I thought remembered the manual saying about having 125 psi operating pressure.
I'm gonna check WGP and see what i find there.
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Jolly Roger
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Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:27 am

Mihlrad wrote:Regardless of which is safer, they are both unsafe unregulated. The HPA tank may not output that much psi, but it sure as hell can output FAR more than pvc will withstand.
Mihlrad your right about the co2 temp thing with PVC because I had a similar problem with mine, but he hasn't specified what he planned on making it out of.

sergeantspud2 wrote:Ok mihlrad you keep saying that your going to blow yourself up with the HPA tank but its actually safer than co2 because the it is not cold. Since the HPA tanks do have 3000-5000 psi in the tank, that is NOT how much it puts out. Most tanks are high output which is regulated at around 800 psi (the room temp co2 puts out) and some can be low pressure which comes out at about 400. But thats a hella lot expensive so I dont think you should use that a primary air source.

Back on topic though I have see some fireman air tanks on ebay for dirt cheap... like I got two 2216 psi air tanks for $10 with a local pickup. Of course I had to get it hydrod, but you can find regulators for them like I think a bulk co2 regulator will work with an adapter but dont hold me responsible if that doesnt work.

You can double regulate with a few mods. If you say 800psi then it is possible to add a second reg to bring it down further. I've seen 4500psi HPA tanks regulators that output 350psi (single inline). Double regulating is common but it isn't just plug and play though, it's complex connecting it all safely.
Last edited by Jolly Roger on Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:21 pm

pb_gunz neither of those regulators will work. The frist one is not rated that high (already stated by mihlrad) and the second one regulates to a minimum of 200. Im not sure why pure energy did that but they did, so a good regualator that doesnt require very many adapters is the palmers stabilizers which you can screw the tank directly on it and regulates to any pressure (a secondary reg may be needed for a closer psi range) Stabilizers go for around $70-$80.

One more thing pb_gunz I have no idea what you said on your post at the top of this page concerning what I said, but from your second paragraph you need a pressure chamber connected to a valve and a barrel beyond that. Pretty simple design.

And Jolly Roger... double regulate you mean add another reg after the first regulator right? Because the first regulator is attached to the tank, it never comes off. Most paintball guns that require HPA regulate it farther than the tanks output. And 350 out of the tank is called a low pressure tank, 800 is a high pressure tank. The psi in the tank wont effect the output.

Heres a link to the stabilizer
<a href="https://palmer-pursuit.com/ecom/product ... >(link)</a>
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Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:07 am

Look, guys... you really need to wright your links so they don't break the layout. It's getting annoying.
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Sat Sep 02, 2006 4:19 am

Hey thanks for that spud (stabilzer info), I've been looking around for exactly this! Champion mate, champion...
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