What is the permeability of sand in FM frequencies, anyway? I know it's basically glass, but who knows what trace metals and other contaminants it contains. Obviously gigahertz-range radiation is absorbed readily by water, but hopefully the ~100Mhz spectrum is less affected, otherwise you're gonna have to find a really dry stretch of sand to shoot into.
Are you saying the orientation and proximity of the components makes a difference to performance?
You're just trying to keep interference out whenever possible. Keeping the leads short keeps them from acting like antennas; whether it's absorbing electrical 'noise' or inflicting it on other components in the circuit.
The coil probably can't be potted because the type of insulation used affects how some RF components operate. Silicone, for example, causes higher losses as you go up in frequency. If you're worried about g-forces acting on the coil, you could try winding it around a cylinder of PTFE, which will hopefully go unnoticed.