1" Empty vending machine capsules

Potatoes last one shot, so build reusable! Discuss ammo designs and ideas. Tough to find cannon part or questions? Ask here!
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Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:58 pm

Found here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Mf ... 0053995876
These could prove very useful for making versatile 1" inch barrel ammo. Since they are designed for 1" vending machines and 1" inch vending machine bouncy balls have a prefect fit this shot be nothing short of mega.

Seriously though...
Think of the possibilities you could fill this with red food coloring or fake blood and shoot them against the wall to create blood splat effects for movies.

-Butt out
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Fri Dec 01, 2006 1:14 am

Possibly, there are better alteratives for blood splatter, but these you could fill with hard stuff like concrete or even just sand and glue the cap on. Back to the capsules, I don't think they are exactly or even near the same size as those bouncy balls, these are an odd shape and need more room to move and make it out, but I could be wrong.
Good thinking though.
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Such is the rule of honor.
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