Dan003400's First Cloud

Building or modifying BB, Airsoft, and Pellet type of guns. Show off your custom designs, find tips and other discussion. Target practice only!

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Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:12 pm

What if I emptied it into a bigger tank, then ran the gun off that tank? BTW I got a pic just to make sure we are talking about the same thing: Image
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Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:21 pm

Yep, same thing. Running a BBMG off a tank would last less than 10 seconds, and those blowoff dusters are like 6 bucks.
And what's with the
on the can?
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Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:52 am

If you turn it upside down, it sprays out some sort of flammable liquidy gas. I believe its nitrogen. It comes out wet but turns to gas immediately. I'm assuming Inflammable is french for Flammable? Maybe? That's pretty strange though.
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Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:52 am

yep, inflammable in french is flamable in english...why is it strange? i could say something in french that has a different spelling in english, would it be strange ? by the way , "poussière" mean "dust" "dé" is a negation prefix. so, "dépoussiereur" means "duster", or "dust extractor".
lol i don't think it's nitrogen. it's butane or propane. nitrogen needs a high pressure to get liquified whereas propane and butane need around 150 psi. the reason it is sprayed liquid is that the outlet is in direct contact with the liquid material. when held the right way, the liquid is at the bottom, without touching the way out.
at 20-25 ° outside, and at 1013 hPa, it becomes gaz.i've thought of a cloud system, that would use lit propane for gaz, and a propane torch for the whole thing, it would basicly be a continuous comustion gun. so, no airsoft or, with steel BB's. wouldn't be a pvc clou though, but a steel one.
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Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:32 am

I found it a bit strange because even though inflammable isn't an english word, if you said something is inflammable to a person who doens't know any french, they would assume it would mean non-flammable.

Wouldn't a continuous combustion bbmg basically just be a blow torch with a chamber and barrel attached to the end? I would think you would just heat up the chamber and BB's but not shoot them anywhere. I didn't think the propane was moving all that fast. And you would need some way of getting oxygen into the chamber, otherwise the flame would just go out.
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Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:32 am

burning the propane causes the increase of it's volume. the oxygen , basicly air, is injected via holes at the end f the propane torch. while burning, the propane create a hot-gaz flow, hopping air via these holes. actually, the moment i'm talking here, i just thought of the jet engines operation., you inject air, compress it, inject fuel vapor, and light it.
i would compress a 6L extinguisher, connect the propane torch, adjust the inlet, and light it.it would create massive flow. hot indeed....but massive.
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Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:31 pm

Alright I get it now. Sounds cool. If it works let me know and I'll try making one.
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Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:04 pm

lol ok!!! a normal propane canister stands 1h of soldering....so, if you find a good air/mixture you could be limited only by the air source.....plus, it would require further designing, the mixture has to be well mixed to be effective, and the final gaz needs to be compressed to have a good efficiency. otherwise, you throw gaz and air but the final result dosen't create that much power.
basicly it's just like a propane/oxy torch......but, i assume that at these tempertures and pressure, the gaz mix would become plasma....so...there are things lot more funny to do than a cloud with hot plasma...such as an amateur rocket engine.......
it's totaly off topic i know, but let's say its not ust for one second:
if you can create some sort of a conduit to transfer the plasma, focused in a smaller ray, with the help of some multistage coils, you could get a reactor.

mmmh....et's explain it:
plasma is a neutral hot gaz, where electrons are separedted from the atoms. you've got ions, and electrons resulting in a globaly neutral gaz, but hyper conductive. (sorry if you find some word too simple, but i'm only in 1st year of university and french lol..my vocabulary needs to get enriched.)
So, when surrounding the conduit with coils, you create a magnetic field, that focuses the plasma in a smaler ray, and acceleraing it (gauss principe) it's a gaz so it's very light....the speed of this kinda reactor could be very very very high...

The only probelm i find in my principe, is that it would require a lot of
current......... and the plasma is at several thousand degres °C.
perhas a quartz conuit coud do t, but it's not amateur anymore...i'm going to investigate....
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Tue Dec 12, 2006 2:01 pm

.........huh. Maybe I'm not getting it exactly, but what do you keep/create the plasma in? It started off being a bbmg, and you've turned it into a type of gauss rifle, but I'm still thinking the combustion would occur in a steel chamber, then you would move the plasma through the conduit, creating the magnetic field. Wouldn't that just melt the chamber? It would need to be made of something able to withstand ridiculous amounts of heat, right? I don't know what you could use, but you're right; definitely not amateur anymore.
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Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:35 pm

lol no that's isn't exactly that...well....actually, the type of reactor I sort of invented has already been made...it's a current nasa research and develoment for high speed travelling through space.......woaw. i impress myself. It's called the VASIMR and when at full velocity, a spaceship equiped with that type of motor could travel at 1/30 the speed of light. 10 000 km/s
the nasa plans to launch their spacecraft equped with them in approx 2040, and such a spaceship could reach mars in 39 days.
the principe of this propusion is simple. you inject a gaz, you put AC current with high voltage at the entry of the conduit, which turns the gaz into plasma, a hyper-conductive gaz form. then, coils create a magnetic field, and as the plasma passes through, it is focused in a thin ray, (compressed) and accelerated. (like a steel arrow in a coil gun)
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Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:58 pm

wow i realy have started a convo
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Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:31 am

started a what?
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Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:41 pm

Those don't supply a very large volume of air. Maybe if you used that to fill a large chamber, and then have that feed the BBMG it would work though. But you are liable to burn up the pump that way.
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Thu Dec 14, 2006 7:50 pm

And that air duster stuff is diflouroethane.
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Thu Dec 21, 2006 10:32 pm

what did u use for a barrel and how did u attatch the barrel to the endcap?
i like ur gun its awesome.. today i made my first bbmg (cloud) and now im addicted

flying salt:::: that compressor wont work cause i got a 5 gallon 125 psi compressor (electric , im trying to get a gas powered one.) and i have to have it on to power my cloud and at 100 psi. but my cloud leaks all over cause it was a pill bottle and an empty bic pen for a barrel and then switched to an old bbgun barrel (i ran out of airsoft bbs) so its all leaky.. i dont know if when i make my new cloud it will take much less to power it cause it wont leak. just try it and see and pm me if ur 12v compressor works.
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