Moderators, I think this should become a sticky so that it’s easy to find.
General spud gun safety rules (also applies to any form of projectile weapon):
One, a spud gun is to be treated like a firearm, and given the same respected as firearm. A spud gun is NOT A TOY, it is a dangerous weapon, like any other cannon it’s nothing more and nothing less.
Two, under no circumstances should you look down the barrel of you gun when it’s loaded, else this could be you: blinded by ignorance
Three, a spud gun should be treated as loaded at ALL times, keep the muzzle pointed down range and away from people. Keep your finger of the trigger till your reedy to shoot. Never point it a any thing you don’t intend to take responsibility for shooting, i.e. your house, people, etc. always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, i.e. down range, at the ground, or as a last resort up in the sky, just remember what goes up must come down.
Four, NEVER SHOOT ANYTHING YOU DON’T INTEND TO TAKE RESPOSIBILITY FOR!!! No matter what you shoot there’s always consequences, whether it be cleaning up the mess, paying for somebody window, too jail time for hitting someone. Paintball is fun and a lot of fields allow you to use cannons, but it’s still dangerous I’ve seen cannons the a know could put a paintball through a face mask, if you use you cannon in paintball keep the power low. Same goes for airsoft, rule of thumb is: if you wouldn’t want to get hit by it nether would somebody else. After doing research on what other people use as ammo in their cannons for paintball, a lot of them are telling you to glue a bunch of paintballs together, not a good idea, with all that mass you could easily seriously hurt somebody.
Five, know your back stop and beyond, no matter were you shoot you MUST have a back stop, a back stop caches any rounds you shoot and ether miss with or they blow straight through your intended target, a back stop has to be able to stop what ever you shoot at it, if your gun can put a spud through ½”plywood then make your back stop out of something heaver than ½” plywood, your best bet would be a big mound of dirt about 6feet high and how ever long you need, but at least big enough that you can safely shoot.
Besides knowing your back stop you need to know what’s behind it incase you miss the back stop or you projectile goes straight through, if there’s houses behind your back stop your ether going to need to stop shooting all together, or need to make your back stop three times thicker than you think you need.
A good back stop that will stop most low to medium powered rounds can be constructed from about one inch of OSB (oriental strand board) and enough bales of straw to completely cover the OSB, (straw can be bought at a lot of feed stores) the straw will slow down the projectile and the OSB should stop it, but this won’t work for anything with a lot of power, or if you shoot high speed darts.
Hotwired wrote:Hard projectiles have a tendency to riccochet off hard objects.
Launching fireworks is just another game of russian roulette.
Safety valves and switches are your friends.
Special rules pertaining to combustions:joannaardway wrote:...I also suggest not spudding alone if possible. In case of a severe emergency, then it will help to have someone else nearby.
One, Wear hearing protection when firing your cannon, although it may not be as loud as a firearm it’s still very loud, protect your ears, you’ll need them later.
Two, If your guns not firing, DO NOT LOOK DOWN THE BARREL, keep the barrel pointed down range (make sure nobody get in front of the gun incase it goes off) click the igniter a few more time, if it still don’t work completely vent the chamber and push your ammo out. Then ask somebody here on Spudfiles how to fix it.
Special rules pertaining to BBMGs, clouds, vortexes, straifers, and MMGs:
Special rules pertaining to pneumatics:VH_man wrote:With BBMG's- They may be airsoft guns but IN NO SUCRUMSTANCES EVER USE BBMG"S IN AN AIRSOFT BATTLE!!!!!!! It may be Airsof bb's but even the Full-Auto airsoft guns you buy only put out about 500 rounds per minute. with a BBMG, you are firing 10,000 rounds per minute or more. the reason airsoft bb's dont break the skin but the airsoft bb's can shred cans is becuase of elastic colisions. the can keeps the dent, while your skin bounces back. if you dont give your skin long enough to bounce back, your skin turns into those cans BBMG's can shred to peices. Basically, Treat a BBMG as a REAL Machine gun and youre all good and safe. Who wants to actually die in an airsoft war?
One, If you use a piston valve you may need hearing protection, if it’s loud enough to make your ears ring then wear hearing protection.
That’s as much as I can think of know, if you can think of something else post it, or PM me and I’ll add it in it’s proper place on the list that way the all that you have to read is the first post.