Yeah same paint ball places wont let people under 18 play! with the leagalitys and all! plus the climbing insurance costs of running places. When the new indemnity regulations pass insurance companys wont be able to go to town on such operations. Thus making it cheaper to run and letting younger people play.
True frankrede. Saftey would have to be the biggest issue in this hobby, How ever you do get the od case of temarery stupidity in witch things go bad. but hay it happens.
Always make sure your gun is empty before you charge it. Even if you haven't loaded anything into it. I had something fall into an exposed barrel end while the gun was in my car trunk without being in it's case. I pressurized it in my friends garage thinking it was empty, but there was some unknown hard object came out when I fired it.
ok people i think we are being a little harsh here. although i think the pic could have had more explanation i think it had a valid purpose, solar can you now please explain why you posted it.
its a sight to look through the barrel to see if it is jammed instead of being a F*cktard and look straight down teh barrel, and cop a paintball in the face???