nice... i've been working on one too lol... you just have more time than me to build it haha... does yours operate the same way as the militarys though? by that i mean do you slide it forward to load a new one, because that is what the one i am building does,... when i finish i will post pictures, i'm just crazy busy right now haven't had time to do much building, only design
"Some say his pet elephant is pink, and that he has no understanding of "PG rated forum". All we know is, he's called JSR. "
sorry, been a while since i frequented the forums- been busy.
yea not too much further, I'm waiting to go to the store to find something suitable for the barrel. I was hoping to test it this week during easter break. Will let you know
"Some say his pet elephant is pink, and that he has no understanding of "PG rated forum". All we know is, he's called JSR. "
very nice, i tried limited testing of mine the other day with human lungs and no barrel... major failure... now i think i'm going to redo the cap... does having the air hole and bbhole at the same length from the end of the cap?
i will let you know how it goes
"Some say his pet elephant is pink, and that he has no understanding of "PG rated forum". All we know is, he's called JSR. "
well with our setup we were forced to have the air and the barrel inline with each other... You will get better performance when they are perpendicular with each other but yeah... take a picture of your current setup and post it so I can see what is wrong... it might just be that you dont have enough air in your lungs
lol i'm going to go test it again, i'll have to dig out another endcap and glue some straws to the holes lol..... then attach those to the blowgun and use one for a barrel... extremely ghetto i know, i'll have to see if i have some brakeline kickin around...
"Some say his pet elephant is pink, and that he has no understanding of "PG rated forum". All we know is, he's called JSR. "
aaaaaahahahahahhaa nope, its way too big, not consistent shooting at all..
crap i have no more endcaps, will have to make a home depot run for about 10.... cuz i'll probably screw it up about 8 times or so....darnit... would you recommend having the bb hole and air hole as close to the bottom of the endcap as possible?
crap, i want an endcap... I'll let you know as soon as i can about the results... if its not working i'll let you know
"Some say his pet elephant is pink, and that he has no understanding of "PG rated forum". All we know is, he's called JSR. "