It would kind of suck if it DDTed, but it would provide us with some useful information. 20x oxy/propane isn't detonating in my ME20H-41, and I'd like to see where the limit is.Are you at all worried about ddt in the 60x oxy/propane hybrid. In my opinion it would be almost impossible to avoid because of the mix and fact that you are using oxy instead of air. But for all I know the chamber is designed to take DDT's regularaly.
On the other hand, SB15 built a gun a while back powered by some REALLY awesome dust that would have detonated every time, and it only failed when the threads on the 8 1/2" bolts holding the backplate on got ripped out. Maybe, if the chamber can handle significantly more than the detonation pressure, detonation wouldn't be a significant concern, at least over the rather short operational lifetime of a ridiculously powerful and impractical hybrid.