Cops, the spudder's greatest enemy.
Neighbours with a working phone line, the spudder's 2nd greatest enemy.
No, the spudder's greatest enemy is the government who makes his pastime illegal, followed by the spudder himself. In these cases, the police tend to take note only after something stupid has been done, and the spudder is normally the one responsible for doing something stupid. The police are not yet actively tracking and attacking spudders
en masse simply for the sheer fun of it.
If he had been doing his best to keep things quiet (firing out in the middle of nowhere, telling no one, buying all parts with cash, etc...) and he had been tracked down and ambushed by the police, I would probably feel differently.
We can't expect the cops to sympathize with us, even if we aren't doing something so foolish as operating a cannon while high. Much as I disagree with highly restrictive firearms laws and the illegality of cannabis possession, I can't really feel sorry for this guy - he brought it on himself.
Spudfiles' resident expert on all things that sail through the air at improbable speeds, trailing an incandescent wake of ionized air, dissociated polymers and metal oxides.