Ok, Yesterday (or was it the day before, I cant remember) I made my first mini, A crappy spring-powered thing I made because I was bored. Today, I decided to make something a bit more serious. I know this has been done before, so I dont claim this to be completely my own design.
Also, It's only a prototype, made from bits and pieces I found in and around my house (and surprisingly the freezer in the cellar) Anyway, Essentally it is a film canister as the mouth piece (salvaged, or should I say stolen from some rolls of film my dad has stored in the freezer (It's supposed to help them keep). Then I have a paper cone wraped in tape to act as a funnel to guide the bbs into the barrel. The barrel is......dont laugh.....part of a highlighter, I only chose this because It happened to fit the ammo I'm using perfectly. Obviously this is just a prototype, I plan to make it out of better materials later when I have some time and money. This little guy is pretty powerful, it stings a bit when I shoot my finger with it, and when I repeatadly shoot my thumb It can really hurt. This is something you wanna wear safety goggles when you're shooting in an enclosed space. Currently I am using beads from those cheap mardi-gras necklacess as ammo. They fit pretty well, are cheaper than dirt, and the little bit of string left on each side of them aster cutting helps make a good seal for a more powerful shot.
Any comments are welcome for the new version of this gun, and please dont say I copied this directly form anyone, It may not be really original, but I did have the idea for the cone and such by myself.