Well heres some pics of a project from a while back that I worked on for months and just could not get it to stop double/tripple feeding!? using that brass tube insert feeder similar to what R/C boats use. I think Jimmy posted this type of feeder ages ago,I was running a 1/4 Qev and a 1/8 Poppet Valve= great fun to shoot but I just couldnt get it to function correctly. I latter tried a tiny paddle placed in the Brass T Fitting to stop other bbs from feeding in but didnt work either,it shot 6mm steel bbs held in place via a Rare Earth Magnet.
I gave up and then tried to make her Pump Action as can be seen on these pics= the bbs were stacked in the top tube and also held the bottom bb via a magnet, you slide the outside tube forwards ,it pushes a bb from the bottom of the brass T fitting forwards by that small brass tube held on the back of the tube with 2 screws. it then drops the bb though a square cut out which lines up with a hole in the actual stainless barrel,return pump to rearward and fire. It worked with Teflon tape either side of the Barrel Hole but the Teflon came off after numerous shots, I couldnt get any O-rings or similar to seal off between the outside tube(Pump) and the barrel so this was never completed either.
I want to get this gun to work but still trying to figure out a way of having it Semi Auto but just cant get a semi Feeder to work?, anyone have any ideas. Ive googled for eons trying to see a relatively simple Semi Auto Feeder I can adapt to this but no luck.
if working the gun was to be housed in a military looking shell similar in apearance to my other weapons
Django's Failed Pump Action(Pics!)= need advice chaps
So your problem is double/triple feeding?
Maybe just use some bent wire (paperclip?) to stop it, just like clide's semi-auto golfball gun does with a piece of coathanger wire in the blow-forward.
Why didnt the rare earth magnet work?
To seal off your second design, you'll probably need to use o-rings or just fiddle with it until the leak is acceptable and live with it.
Maybe just use some bent wire (paperclip?) to stop it, just like clide's semi-auto golfball gun does with a piece of coathanger wire in the blow-forward.
Why didnt the rare earth magnet work?
To seal off your second design, you'll probably need to use o-rings or just fiddle with it until the leak is acceptable and live with it.
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nice... I like metal guns
you could try this design... http://www.spudfiles.com/forums/i-has-s ... 16872.html
seems to be the best in every possible way but for some reason it isn't popular
you could try this design... http://www.spudfiles.com/forums/i-has-s ... 16872.html
seems to be the best in every possible way but for some reason it isn't popular
Children are the future
unless we stop them now
unless we stop them now
PSYCIX: I'll have another look at Clydes Semi to see what your talking about,POLAND ive not seen your gun before but thanks for the link mate.Im still not understanding 100% how it works though?,Do you have to make the bolt go forwards to seal off the mag and then push another button to fire?. Looks effective but also looks to be fiddly and hard to get a good seal on the bolt etc plus hard to source exact sized internals that match( Tube ,O-rings, bolt) this is why my Pump Gun was not completed...................
- jackssmirkingrevenge
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Interesting, do you have a stop in the barrel though to prevent the BBs rolling out?
No I used a really strong "Rare Earth Magnet" on the side of the Brass T- Fitting to hold the bottom bb inplace in the mag ,it certainly held in place but it would allways fire out 2-3 at once!?.The version 2 (Pump Action) had a magnet on the T-fitting too and one on the outer tube(Pump) to hold the dropped bb in the barreljackssmirkingrevenge wrote:Interesting, do you have a stop in the barrel though to prevent the BBs rolling out?
First I tried the top pictured version as Semi,then gave up and used all the parts to try get a Pump Action going but no go either,What I never figured out was with the Semi Version as I said it would spit out a few bb at once using the Qev and Poppet Valve but I also tried just plugging a Pistol Grip Blowguns Nozzle on the barrel of the Semi Auto just behind the T- Fitting and with that it fired them one at a time!.This had much less power though, it makes no sense though as the Qev/Poppet set up surely had a quicker pulse of air than the blowgun variation so I would have thought the Qev style would spit out one a time?.
I cant recall why but I cut down the siae of the Brass Air Chamber? and sadly it was not as powerfull, if I load in a bb by hand ,plug up the Hole and fire the Poppet/Qev its quite loud and reasonably powerfull! just wish I could figure out a relatively easy Semi Feeder so I can get this gun going and housed in a nice shell. Was thinking of running a strongish Ball detent to try hold back the second bb firing out but I dont know if it'll work?