e-z to make 250 footer tater gun
the ghtto award nice! w/e it might be ugly but hey it was my first potato gun im hapy with it.. but im making a new one out of pvc its not exactly big (i live in a quiet comunity full of ....) and the igniter is poerd by a aaa. ill post pics of my new one later tonight ...
Looks good for a 1st. Not very solid, though, but since it's pretty small it should provide many hours of fun before it dies on you.
Could someone fix the huge thumbnail for this thread, though?
Could someone fix the huge thumbnail for this thread, though?
SHUT THE THAT SHIT UP, x.X.Cpt.Rollhart.X.x! Your being a dick. Give the guy credit for having some enginuity!
I love this gun. Im considering making one like it. I already got a little pill bottle shooter. They're fun to mess around with.
I love this gun. Im considering making one like it. I already got a little pill bottle shooter. They're fun to mess around with.